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Water Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 33

Trainerpoints: 827/3,299


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Houndoom692,112 / 18,114
Houndoom694,382 / 18,114
Houndoom694,823 / 18,114
Houndoom695,979 / 18,114
Houndoom687,539 / 17,596
Houndoom6815,352 / 17,596


Last Action
Viewing private messages (2 Hours ago)

PH Goals

Obtain 500 wooper plushies (167/500)
Obtain 10k oran berries (done)
Make new friends? (In progress??)
Obtain shiny wooper (done)

Last Visitors

eisnerYesterday, 23:10
fukuryoYesterday, 14:12
TheWorstOneTue, 23/Jul/2024, 10:05
Kisuke-UraharaTue, 23/Jul/2024, 03:43
Latch84emTue, 16/Jul/2024, 22:01


Shiny Hunt

Newt-Newt is currently hunting Houndour.
Hunt started: 05/06/2024

Chain: 130
0 0 0

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4

Game Records

Trainer ID: #322032674
Registration: 22/06/2020 (4 Years ago)
Game Time: 615:08 Hours
Total interactions: 173,216
Money: 65,553
Starter Pokémon: Typhlosion


Wooooooo master rank in unite
8 Days ago
Ah yes 32 shinies from go fest

2 of which were necrozma's


(One of the necrozma's is 4190cp thanks to fusion)
12 Days ago
Just hit ultra 5 in unite apparently

Hooray?????? lmao
13 Days ago
I swear there are absolutely no mimikyu mains in pokemon unite

ive seen ONE single person except myself use the scraggly little guy

mimikyu needs justice >:(
15 Days ago

By Anniversary - 8 Hours and 20 Minutes ago.

You've been a member on PokéHeroes for more than 4 Years now

1 Month ago
Welp it's time for my yearly fixation on pokemon mystery dungeon

And for some reason I've restarted playing super mystery dungeon

And oml I love it so much
1 Month ago

By PokéRadar - 11 Hours and 7 Minutes ago.

Congratulations! A shiny Houndour hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #2)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries.

1 Month ago
Oddly been tryna play pixelmon again

Dunno why the idea popped into my head but oh well
1 Month ago
By PokéRadar - 50 Minutes and 46 Seconds ago.

Congratulations! A shiny Houndour hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #76)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries

I literally just got back into this game and boom shiny houndour
1 Month ago
So uh, I've got a new discord acc now because yes

So it's now DangerousNewt43

(That's also my roblox user 😔😔)

3 Months ago
Finally hatched a ma houndour

Took me long enough lmao
3 Months ago

By PokéRadar - 9 Hours and 25 Minutes ago.

Congratulations! A shiny Houndour hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #45)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries.

Welp time to start the chain again
4 Months ago
:0 my harvest sprite eggo is almost hatched
4 Months ago

I'm going home (which is good and bad the way you look at it)

I mean I'm sick and I need rest

But I wanna stay in France for longer 🥲

4 Months ago
As everyone is doing a quiz about themselves why don't I do it (if I can remember how)


Lemme know how you guys get on-
4 Months ago
Oooooooo quaxly and a sprite egg from rowan?
4 Months ago

4 Months ago
Why do I have to be up at 3.42am-

Oh well I guess
Anyway France time!-
4 Months ago
"Can I just like un-british myself"

I am a very weird individual
4 Months ago
Ima still be upset because no new mystery dungeon title tho-

but im very excited now
4 Months ago

About Me

So uh you can just call me SaLaD or Newt, whatever you prefer. I am an extremely shy person (not online somehow) but some things I can go on for hours about.

I like to read manga, watch some anime and am a huge fan of pokemon (obviously)

My favourite pokemon include wooper and quagsire (no way),skitty , alolan vulpix,togepi and mimikyu

So yeah that's about all I can think of

Did I mention I like wooper and quagsire?, Yes? Good

Well that's your friendly neighbourhood dumb dumb

fukuryo <3


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
fukuryo 10 Hours ago
Latch84em 11 Days ago
Latch84em 11 Days ago
HyperBeam 12 Days ago