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Trainerlevel: 16

Trainerpoints: 163/783


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
(Giga Charizard)
41645,531 / 612,105
Ao guang
676,903 / 14,478
Ao ming
17419,819 / 114,189
402161,555 / 571,248
Ao Qin
(White Kyurem)
138232 / 71,934
Ao jun
(Vivillon (Pride))
10311,117 / 32,137

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Knights2014_VietNamm hasn't collected any medals so far.

Shiny hunt


Last Visitors

SoleilLuxToday, 17:28
ScarletOkamiTue, 23/Jul/2024, 05:00
AgledogMon, 22/Jul/2024, 14:12
thuthuSat, 20/Jul/2024, 13:35
Ace~Sat, 20/Jul/2024, 09:32

Meow Playground

Game Records

Trainer ID: #705458728
Registration: 30/12/2023 (6 Months ago)
Game Time: 142:41 Hours
Total interactions: 30,022
Money: 40,906
Starter Pokémon: Emboar


By ShadowXTM - 32 Minutes and 7 Seconds ago.
Hey everyone:)
I created my fist giveaway!!!!

To join pls:
1. Join the Giveway!!!
2. Interact with my party:)
3. Like post and share the post with hastag #ShadowXTMgivaway

1st place gets 100k + 10 random gems
2nd place gets 50k + 5 random gems
3rd place gets 5k + 100 beries

Giveway ends on Sunday. Good luck:D
Yesterday, 12:53

I know u do :3c

So basically just share this hashy w/ whole feed plz ---> #CatKidIsGivingAway800NugsForSomeReason

Also heart the feed <3

Ends when I get bored :V
4 Days ago
Prize: 200k PD!

Share the Whole Feed and Heart this Feed to Enter!

My Birthday Today! :D, I wanna test something out so I made this giveaway hehe


Ends in a week, might be shorter than that ._.

lemme guess, you want to have all of the top 10 hashtags to be yours, which is why there are 10 hashtags here?
6 Days ago
You fed Cosmo a Cheri Berry!

The Pokémon raised by 2,108 Exp. Points.
18 Days ago
24 Days ago
24 Days ago
25 Days ago
27 Days ago
By Tony_Stark - 10 Hours and 25 Minutes ago.
~it's time for me to do a give away🎉. To complete my plushie dex. :D

"You have to do all the following instructions for entering to this giveaway. Else you will rejected"

1. Like the original feed
2. Send me a missing plushie
3.Add me to freindlist
4. Share the hastag #needplushies:) and repost this post with my name.

Prize:Vortex of time map and nuggets ( if my plushie dex is completed in 6 days)

75-150k pd, myster boxes and keys and also some rare itemm...!(if my plushie dex is not completed in time)

Winner will be released in 6 days
~by Tony_stark
1 Month ago
wow, my pokemon at the rumbling. This pokemon has dug a star piece
1 Month ago
1 Month ago
By Yose - 9 Hours and 48 Minutes ago.
To celebrate my #givvyaway ending soon < I'm selling all my mons beginner and legendary to events - shiny and not shiny - SM an not SM.

Up to u!!! :p
All you have to do is PM me with this form then your done! (If none or not type 'N/A') specify the pkmn or item.

Shiny + Mega:

Any questions pp me.
-Can't wait to check the PM's!
1 Month ago

1 Month ago
By PowerSwords - 19 Hours and 20 Minutes ago.
Believe it or not, this is my own giveaway!

Add me to your friendlist

Repost this with the tag #GRENINJY
Add "By PowerSwords" at the top


A Gyarados, greninja, and doublade + dark blue mystery key, green gem

Pride vivilon

Assorted berries
1 Month ago
1 Month ago
1 Month ago
By Yose
It's time for a give away✨ ~ first one aaa ;-;

To enter please do the following { all of them } missing out on any one / you will not be in the draw.

1. Repost this post with my name
2. Use this hastag `#givvyaway more you share it and post it <
more names of you on the wheel
3. Add me to your friendlist ✅

OPTIONAL (suggested): PP or PM this to 2→3 people

When you have finished; comment done on this post.
PRIZE: gems and 50k pd to 200k pd
Any further questions ^ pp me

Cya, winner revealed in 4-5 days gl!!!
< yose
1 Month ago


Last Action
Visiting the Auction House (10 Hours ago)


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Newest gifts
Gojirath 11 Days ago
Dellatae 17 Days ago
Gojirath 25 Days ago
Hamlet 26 Days ago
