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Fighting Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Formerly: Zach-The-Dark-Aura
Trainerlevel: 5

Trainerpoints: 20/79


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Asgore Dreemurr
9516,559 / 30,068
Asriel Dreemurr
(Cyndaquil (Retro))
431,785 / 5,607
So Retro
(Ducklett (Retro))
544,189 / 8,911
Lanturn622,244 / 14,649
Absol601,162 / 11,462
14622,630 / 72,969

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4

Game Records

Trainer ID: #761234570
Registration: 06/10/2018 (5 Years ago)
Game Time: 4:49 Hours
Total interactions: 404
Money: 4,288
Starter Pokémon: Typhlosion


Is it weird that like I made my account like five years ago and never touched the game all that much.

Like at all, like my last login was the one when I made my account lol.

Good to see my Typhlosion didn’t starve to death or something.
1 Month ago

—About Me—

I am just an ordinary artist, and writer who is a massive fan of the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon, Mother, and Touhou series. I mainly specialize in traditional pencil drawings and sprite art.

Favorite Pokémon: Typhlosion
Favorite Mother Game: Mother 2/Earthbound
Favorite Touhou Character: Marisa Kirisame (I also like Junko, and Ran Yakumo)

I also have other socials n’ stuff because idk how often I will be online here.

Discord: PainfullyOrdinaryMagician
Twitter: GoldenGenesis69

—Adopted Pokémon—

There is like a sold chance this is just a broken embed and idk how to fix it…

<div class="center">
<a href="https://www.pokemon-adoption.de">
<img src="https://www.yatta-tempel.de/animierte/panzaron.gif" style="width: 60px; height: 60px;" alt="Sakuya" /></a><br />
<b>Name:</b> Sakuya<br />
Adopt one yourself! @<a href="https://www.pokemon-adoption.de">Pok&eacute;mon Orphanage</a>


Last Action
Using the Item Bag (8 Days ago)

Last Visitors

DarkrangeSun, 16/Jun/2024, 10:29
bellaRoseFri, 14/Jun/2024, 07:41
KoishiWed, 12/Jun/2024, 17:59
mauvvaisMon, 10/Jun/2024, 16:07
kaleb1234Mon, 10/Jun/2024, 15:54


JunkoYakumo hasn't collected any medals so far.