Make that now 3 mega magikarps

You push the dark blue key carefully into the hole, turn it twice
to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look into it curiously...
135x Game Chips found!
The key breaks and becomes useless.

So fun fact I now have a mega magikarp before managing to get a
shiny magikarp

So I leave for about three weeks come back participate in the
wondertrade and get my second Ho-Oh

You received a secret Pass Code for your last Wonder Trade:

Well I got my Shiny Magikarp but now I have to do it again because
it became a garydos

Happy new years y'all enjoy the time you have with the ones you
love you never know how much time you have left with them (I am
saying this cuz I went to my grandfathers grave yesterday)

Anyone know what the cold rock for?

Well I decided for my second shiny hunt to do something easier so I
decided to shiny hunt magikarp

Might be live on twitch yall

Now down to 20 vouchers please people they are free

Ok since I still have 25 lugia vouchers I once again am asking
people to comment for one please I don't need them

Ok well since christmas has passed I think it past time that I
reveal a secret to anyone who has recieved a Bee Movie Qoute
present from annoymous well that could be me or roughly five other
people who happened to join the hive at first it started out as a
solo mission but then grew to include a few other people

Ok its christmas eve anyone who comments will receive one lugia egg
voucher free of charge I have thirty or so of them so the first
thirty people will recieve one (limit one per user)