What time zone does this game run on?
What item does Electabuzz need to hold to evolve during a trade??
What item does Electabuzz need to hold to evolve during a trade?
If I use my wide lens on my solar eevee eggs, will it only say
eevee on all or will it change if it’s actually a solar eevee and
say that instead?
Can solar eevees be shiny🤨?~
I just got a screen with some child holding a drifloon is that a
rare screen? When I reloaded the page it was gone 😅
What stone should I get/what is more valuable. Saturn or mars?
Will breeding solar eevees break your shiny chain?
117 hatches… wonder when I will get my first shiny ✨ 😯…~
Hello! I’m wondering does the wide lens also tell you if the
Pokémon is shiny or not? If so how will/does it show that it is a
shiny Pokémon in the egg.
I brought a pokeradar, how do I set it up?
i CANT find one shellder ... im trying to get the next fishing rod
at emera beach. and havent seen or encountered one shellder! AT
ALL... ive cuaght all the other pokemon i need but not once
shellder.. ive used baits.. still nothing! can someone help me??
and or give tips? this is starting to get annoying....
When your fully evolved Pokémon have a mega stone. How do you get
it to mega evolve?
How do you evolve riolu? Or what level does it have to be! Can
someone help?