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Trainerlevel: 26

Trainerpoints: 1,749/2,053


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Pichu36215 / 3,997
Graveler371,157 / 4,038
Misdreavus322,006 / 2,535
Golbat332,465 / 3,367
Haunter35626 / 3,572
Watchog342,028 / 3,571


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Newest gifts
Bayleef 1 Year ago
Leo_The_Hunter 1 Year ago
LoneLobo 1 Year ago
AlikoPubg 1 Year ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Cabebot_TDL hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #442014056
Registration: 07/07/2021 (3 Years ago)
Game Time: 63:23 Hours
Total interactions: 354,488
Money: 7,436
Starter Pokémon: Blaziken


Just got a Dragon type at Lab OxO. I was so fast that no one got it =]
2 Years ago
Help everyone first egg in party. It's for the Bug hatching contest and I'm running out of time. Any help is appreciated
2 Years ago
Help me hatch my heracross egg (the 6630 one)
2 Years ago
So bored. I just want a friend.
3 Years ago


Last Action
Viewing current Event Distribution (1 Year ago)

Last Visitors

GoldPeasantFri, 16/Feb/2024, 20:31
ShinyThu, 15/Feb/2024, 07:46
PiratePatSun, 21/May/2023, 18:03
QiaokeliFri, 24/Mar/2023, 16:02
Shiny_MagikarpThu, 23/Mar/2023, 15:19