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Water Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 15

Trainerpoints: 123/689


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
First shiny!
21786,080 / 163,878
Beautifly662,766 / 13,267
Reuniclus605,285 / 11,462
Reuniclus614,154 / 11,871
Nappy473,646 / 8,461
Budew735,600 / 17,343


About me!


Zoya, She/Her

Proudly Ukrainian


Get 1m pd

Get 8k nuggets

Breed a shiny

Get some friends on here :D

Set up a shop

About me:

Age: 10-15

I spend pokedollar on the most random things ever

My time is GMT+3

I have only watched the Indigo league :(

(More coming soon)

My friend(s)!



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Newest gifts
Doctor_Ampharos2003 2 Months ago
tebrim 2 Months ago
Shadowplay 11 Months ago
Shadowplay 11 Months ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Black_Matter hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #648683837
Registration: 02/05/2023 (1 Year ago)
Game Time: 64:59 Hours
Total interactions: 32,446
Money: 18,703
Starter Pokémon: Samurott


I'm also updating my avatar image, I made a different pixel drawing(technically it's a recolored solar eevee, but uhh).
2 Months ago
UH I changed my username, I meant the black matter as a space thing, as my pokesona(or the oc I created)'s name I just realised its also a different thing, uhh, It's fine but I'm just letting you know
2 Months ago
Oh god, I already have 5 eggs... I did not think it would be that quick! I guess I'll have to put the Solar Eevees in a storage box, so that I can get the egg..
2 Months ago
Bought 2 Solar Eevees on auctions, and put them into the daycare. Got my first egg! I wonder if I can get a shiny..? :3
2 Months ago

Last Visitors

SoleilLuxFri, 14/Jun/2024, 13:48
DarkrangeWed, 05/Jun/2024, 08:11
sorceresshanneloreThu, 30/May/2024, 01:30
CelestiaCatMon, 27/May/2024, 23:35
HenryAllainMon, 27/May/2024, 14:40


Last Action
Changing Profile Settings (5 Days ago)