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Water Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 56

Trainerpoints: 1,666/9,463


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
9511,403,372 / 3,230,823

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Over 300 links!
Always updating!
For Easter and Hoopa!

* *

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Game Records

Trainer ID: #122054814
Registration: 04/04/2014 (10 Years ago)
Game Time: 1453:44 Hours
Total interactions: 1,781,212
Money: 50,958,768
Starter Pokémon: Emboar


Would anyone be interested in Bug-Hatching contest guide? And if yes would you help with data collecting?
7 Months ago
. . . I just got Ditto egg from lab what???

Lmaooo what even is my luck. When I played actively and adopted A LOT of eggs daily I never found one but now that I'm not playing and log in once in a blue moon just to see what's new, I get one. X'D
10 Months ago

Results of last lottery draw:
You won 293200 Game Chips.
You also won 1x Shiny Lugia Egg Voucher! JACKPOT!
You also won 3x Lugia Egg Voucher! CONGRATS!

Since when PH's RNG Gods are so kind to me???
1 Year ago
And my site map once again proved itself to work.

Loving these easter egg designs and can't wait to see the prize~ OwO
2 Years ago
Just a heads up when evolving Milcery - Pokemon species does NOT matter. If it has high enough level for speed to be over 150, it will spin the wheel over 5 seconds.

The "use this species for this result" is an outdated information when it wasn't confirmed that speed is the only factor influencing spin time (under/over 5 seconds).

Please check out this guide for detailed information on evolving Milcery to Alcremie.
2 Years ago
Alcremie Evolution Guide is complete. Please do give feedback by commenting here or pp/pming me (don't post in my journal please), especially if I made a mistake somewhere so I can fix it asap~

And I made a quick yet simple image how evolution is done, you can see it in guide or go to link here.

And do note that border speed number is still a bit unclear so it's best to use pokemon with super low or super high speed.
2 Years ago
