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Water Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 43

Trainerpoints: 880/5,589


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Mantyke16513 / 1,021

Game Records

Trainer ID: #147545560
Registration: 10/11/2015 (8 Years ago)
Game Time: 563:01 Hours
Total interactions: 1,313,720
Money: 93,554
Starter Pokémon: Empoleon


Angel_Blu_Eevee hasn't posted any feeds so far.

im scared

of ghosts

dex counts (10/22/23)

Kanto:143/151 ~Shiny: 12/151 ~ shadow: 1/151

Johto: 100/127 ~Shiny: 1/127

Hoenn: 123/155 ~Shiny: 1/155

Sinnoh: 79/138 ~Shiny: 0/138

Unova: 101/175 ~Shiny: 0/175

Kalos: 47/117 ~Shiny: 0/117

Alola: 60/140 ~Shiny: 2/140

Galar: 51/123 ~Shiny: 1/123

Hisui: 9/19 ~shiny 1/19

Paldea: 10/30 ~shiny :0/30

Emera: 72/320 ~Shiny: 1/312

Mega&Giga: 0/118 ~Shiny: 0/118

Retro: 13/40 ~Shiny: 0/40

Egg Dex: 403/753

NATDex: 808/1700 (47.53%)


Last Action
Interacting (23 Days ago)