Game Records
Trainer ID: #832826571Registration: 22/09/2023 (1 Year ago)
Premium member until 30/Jan/2025
Time Played: 179:19 Hours
Total interactions: 137,970
Money: 40,811
Starter Pokémon: Empoleon
Congratulations! A shiny Indeedee hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #215)!
Meet Butters!
I'm officially traumatized
I'm going to stick to the Indeedee hunt until my goal of 100 shiny OT Indeedee is obtained, sure I'll probably go mad, but then again, this seems like something I would do anyways.
So I wanna be a person, and give back to the community of Pokeheroes!
How it will work
Until reaching the 100 shinies, you can place guesses on the chain you think a shiny will hatch on! if you get it right, you'll get 10k PD!
I plan to do giveaways on important Milestones of the hunt!
1k and 2k Indeedees hatched
50 and 100 Shinies hatched
And maybe others!
If you want to guess a number, share #OneHundredShinies and guess!
Good luck to you all! (And hopefully my sanity too!)
Halloween is coming soon, so it's time for a spooktober giveaway for the spookiest day of the spookiest month!
To enter:
♡ This feed
Share #spookyindeedee
And tell us what your favorite thing about Halloween, or what you're going as for Halloween!
3 lucky people who share this feed will be given 100 Nuggets each! Winners are chosen at random! And 5 other people who share this feed will get a plushie of their choice*!
Winners will be chosen on Halloween at 21:30**!
Good luck! You'll need it!
(*Plushie must be 150 DP or less, **PokeHeroes Time)
Shiny Hunt
Acoustic is currently hunting Indeedee.
Hunt started: 22/12/2024
Chain: 230
Hunt started: 22/12/2024
Chain: 230