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Adopt your own Pokémon-Egg!
No item

Level: 40
EXP: 1,293 /4,921

Health Points 100
Attack 53
Defense 42
Sp. Attack 50
Sp. Defense 65
Speed 64
Pokédex No. #133
Rarity Rare
Nature Hasty
Trainer kojote
Origin. Trainer K3Nxiii
Breeder K3Nxiii
Obtained 6 Days and 21 Hours ago
Bred in the Daycare
Family Tree
Hatched 5 Days and 8 Hours ago


Eevee wants to train with you a bit!


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Received interactions today (75)

CorvusVanTassel, franticice25, KnownBruh, DarkAmethyst, ClickDeeClack, D1Trainer, Pearlstardust, kojote, WalkingOnSunshine, Thaaya, Katrielwen, Naiga-Boi, VirizionGaming, ImperialHound, NovaWolf, Tag_team137, groovythewboo, BluRay, PsychicJaved, Raiogen, Ankaa, crazyform, Kaithegoat, G4untl3T, BoomBoom2025, Nisora, CatLady, Yuri_chan, Anya_Musume, Asterdel, quilavant, ARzyn, Castiello11, milthares, simba, MeipandaQueen, loketoke, Sorasdra2simp, Dai0x07, Mika~Rin, Sesu, Kimie, -UnknownPokefan-, Briethecrestie, DragonEmperor, 123butterflyRose, Libbey, CommanderVenus, Shiny, Tuna, RoxasNuggetsXIII, BarnacleBoy, Montanha_Enevada09, ~MysteryMew~, EpicFailure, Boots, ashmon, JAYKYEW, IntellectualPotato, Realmavi, GizmoTheSloth, SirStone, Shinekiara, NeonStarfalls, ShyShine, Nadgobus, Drag0Pj, punisher023, Ashypoo16, Starry_space_, GreenTiger09, HyperBeam, Galvadyne, KingVee, ShiroTempest.