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Adopt your own Pokémon-Egg!
No item

Level: 54
EXP: 5,253 /9,159

Health Points 150
Attack 117
Defense 91
Sp. Attack 131
Sp. Defense 102
Speed 127
Pokédex No. #157
Rarity Starter
Nature Lonely
Trainer kforrest
Origin. Trainer kforrest
Breeder Professor Rowan
Obtained 2 Days and 10 Hours ago
As a present from Prof. Rowan
Family Tree
Hatched 2 Days and 10 Hours ago


Typhlosion wants to train with you a bit!


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Received interactions today (98)

rexou32, arii, liamete, Grearn, KnownBruh, ClickDeeClack, JustinTPT, Suzaku7699, Pearlstardust, Komainu, buzz, kojote, WalkingOnSunshine, systemraboot, -ShiningRayquaza-, Thaaya, Kastel, Astro_Lover, Thuban22, NovaWolf, BluRay, MysteriousMe, Mafia, L04826, Lemeyx, Moondrop, Ankaa, Piplupfan6828, crazyform, Mycorrhiza, Enforcer, Nicoliole, Bresrk, natjacker, heyitsrey, Kusuo, Blitzin, 25baam, Timsen07, robloveeric, zhy929, AngeryRoshea, FlufferBuffer, MasterJeje, ShadowGiratina, kelskels, mimikboo, loketoke, Sorasdra2simp, Dai0x07, CyberHexVel, h0tsalsa, Riuk, kforrest, Arashi55, DragonEmperor, FeyBornMuse, TRUONGNGOCTRIEU, CheshireCat13, MorbidlyAnxiouss, Charlieplayspokemon, Shiny, TheNoiceOne, Maato11, BarnacleBoy, cocobobo10, Rabdom, McBow, Mister-Iscariot, OMGBUILDS64, johnnyry, EpicFailure, RoadkillSkill, Absbor, hoopafreak54, Ashlie, Drako_io, Realmavi, JennaR146, Alphamon_Ouryuken, Darenia, Speed3Rman, Violence~EXE, ShyShine, Suwawa, Mr-bunyan, salandit, NapTime, Blazez, punisher023, GooBear, Venchura, HyperBeam, CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen, JohnSnow, AudibleLiquid, Cyain, meggylu5.