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Level: 48
EXP: 4,733 /7,113

Health Points 123
Attack 75
Defense 65
Sp. Attack 63
Sp. Defense 56
Speed 106
Pokédex No. #61
Rarity Medium
Nature Mild
Trainer Insular
Origin. Trainer Insular
Breeder Professor Rowan
Obtained 4 Days and 3 Hours ago
Adopted from the Lab
Family Tree
Hatched 3 Days and 20 Hours ago


Poliwhirl wants to train with you a bit!


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SakuraWolf23, ZuperZwagZoe, PrettyMia, Joyfuldoggy, ClickDeeClack, Ashe012, Komainu, buzz, elise2, WalkingOnSunshine, ImperialHound, Ameer2011, WendyAlice, marinaspencer_, fidough, L04826, arise1998, Lemeyx, Neva, Arven, Dhamear, DGWHenrietta, bohemianpatsody, Nicoliole, Bresrk, natjacker, Kusuo, Blitzin, Camikuh, northy69, zhy929, nikili96, MasterJeje, nillanilla, FireBlaze01, Castiello11, _Chimera_, MeipandaQueen, MXSURGEFTW, loketoke, amaikoneko, Iggystar, Mika~Rin, Riuk, Arashi55, DragonEmperor, Overcooked, MorbidlyAnxiouss, Ladrian, Shiny, Maato11, RoxasNuggetsXIII, BarnacleBoy, Insular, Phoenix34Off, magdral, EpicFailure, Ashlie, Thomassen, Aidam66, ShyShine, Nadgobus, Suwawa, Descronix, Zarbes, punisher023, GooBear, Venchura, HyperBeam, Galvadyne, CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen, Takuto, AudibleLiquid, eltones, Cyain.