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Adopt your own Pokémon-Egg!
No item

Level: 102
EXP: 22,607 /34,848

Health Points 236
Attack 223
Defense 264
Sp. Attack 111
Sp. Defense 106
Speed 108
Pokédex No. #75
Rarity Easy
Nature Hardy
Trainer KarlosBlanco
Origin. Trainer KarlosBlanco
Breeder Professor Rowan
Obtained 11 Days and 6 Hours ago
Adopted from the Lab
Family Tree
Hatched 11 Days and 4 Hours ago


Graveler wants to train with you a bit!


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Received interactions today (116)

Thorns, Glenlivet, Raikage~, ZuperZwagZoe, HarleenQuinzel, KnownBruh, monsteraw_13, JustinTPT, SoulStar, gnarlyybrown, TheUnknown8330, WalkingOnSunshine, -ShiningRayquaza-, Thaaya, gothicrift, Kastel, sapsalmal, Emelicious, BrentMan, ImperialHound, crowestone, 25coolmosa, RavenFromTheVoid, MINTYZ_CHIPZ, MysteriousMe, Mafia, tamla, Sonickidz, GrimmeJunk, Keatah, Raiogen, Neva, Piplupfan6828, DGWHenrietta, WolfGoddess18, Mycorrhiza, Enforcer, Nicoliole, Bresrk, natjacker, Mirej, gummybuns, Anya_Musume, Monkeynoah, Windy_Whippledriff, Touzel, Killik, BuddyBoy, Himari, Cerdessius, YuriKuro, ShadowGiratina, mimikboo, FireBlaze01, Castiello11, peacelovenm, Snowfrost, amaikoneko, Killshot1342, Bezash, h0tsalsa, Queen_Mareep, Purrloin, SoulfulPoetKat, yujinny, 123butterflyRose, MorbidlyAnxiouss, Charlieplayspokemon, Shiny, TheNoiceOne, Maato11, Backerken, RoxasNuggetsXIII, BarnacleBoy, McBow, CherriMoth, Psique, Daemon666, Unlucky-boxer, TheLunarRainbow, Shyrenia666, Baklannich, ZigZaka, Rezmag, Oficial_Reed, kibbitz, LeoRia, R4IDEN, Ashlie, Streth, DE_Dump, Rinne, Dragonlover, LuLu, Darenia, CheckYesJennifer, Speed3Rman, TheGreatRoar, skywalkerewr, ShyShine, Nadgobus, King_Lucario, Diplodocus, KARUbin, EeveeLover, NapTime, Zarbes, cynda1, HyperBeam, Galvadyne, neon-izumi, nochii, Takuto, Cyain, Casualman and 1 guest.