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Flabébé (Orange)

Fla-Fla-Flabébé (Orange)

Adopt your own Pokémon-Egg!
Flabébé (Orange)

Level: 84
EXP: 13,612 /21,421

Health Points 192
Attack 79
Defense 104
Sp. Attack 104
Sp. Defense 144
Speed 104
Pokédex No. #669
Rarity Medium
Nature Impish
Trainer Wandy
Origin. Trainer Wandy
Breeder ClassyArceus
Obtained 1 Day and 13 Hours ago
Found in the Wild
Family Tree
Hatched 1 Day and 12 Hours ago


Flabébé (Orange) wants to train with you a bit!


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Received interactions today (148)

Phyreed, Regi_Zoryno, chipa, Wandy, Eyalon, monsteraw_13, pokemonxyz, Ashe012, WolfGold, Komainu, HoundoomXD, kojote, Darkdragonbz80, WalkingOnSunshine, systemraboot, -ShiningRayquaza-, Thaaya, ShadowXTM, Youyou67190, Wxckxd, WishmakerJirachi, Emelicious, Orca~, Shoopeu, marinaspencer_, BluRay, TheNidoranProject, weskyspuppy, MysteriousMe, Keatah, Angel2024, RobbMoth, Neva, pokemonblack, ~Bunny_Lord~, Piplupfan6828, DGWHenrietta, Espy2015, MissMeggie, arjunsingh98, Amuu, Mycorrhiza, KimChayVegasPete, Enforcer, HexTheSilly, absoul_74, Nefalanis, Nicoliole, primrose_paw, Whattoput636, Wichtel, Nnoitra, Windy_Whippledriff, noodlynoodlecat, SetFireToTheSun, BlueNidoking, raviolii, Himari, Cerdessius, Castiello11, Chimera_snowflake, MeipandaQueen, loketoke, peacelovenm, Swiftphoenix, iceyrose, Vampirecat, amaikoneko, Iggystar, VeniceGrunge, champ1509, Guro, Sorasdra2simp, alexalience, furrymarill, Kimie, Purrloin, Zhavyna, Crysticia, specialstar, CommanderVenus, Charlieplayspokemon, Shiny, Illyria, Blackpoint936, Maato11, Oreoapocalypse, BarnacleBoy, ChaoticKing, cocobobo10, Annisafebrina2010, Gameboy1714, Psique, Decidueye210, RoseyXP, Unlucky-boxer, noobly_face, Grietine, Willowfur, ball, ~DreamingOfRain, Graves, Rezmag, EpicFailure, Chris-Walker, Ashikawa, Xman1101, haisyhdaisyh, Rapmon, Riptide5030, hoopafreak54, Cdoomchu, MWERZU, LunaShadow, Urinus, -nationaldex-, lynx, Shinekiara, L7wenny, Cnx28, vvangel, CheckYesJennifer, ShyShine, Nadgobus, -Morningstar, Purgatory, Anos, Diplodocus, EeveeLover, _Nyx_, cynda1, punisher023, SensGirl25, Frostine, JellyMew, Liana10, KaasSaus36, HyperBeam, Moon_Starlight, Nauxiak, MidnightStrike, Politoed, sprigatito, ShiroTempest, Cyain, Homework_sis, Castalia, ShinyGengar.