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Adopt your own Pokémon-Egg!
Red Meteorite

Level: 133
EXP: 17,222 /66,834

Health Points 397
Attack 202
Defense 227
Sp. Attack 282
Sp. Defense 230
Speed 275
Pokédex No. #890
Rarity Special
Nature Adamant
Trainer SourApple
Origin. Trainer SourApple
Obtained 1 Day and 11 Hours ago
Summoned in an Ancient Cave
Family Tree
Hatched 1 Day and 10 Hours ago


~DeathWing~ wants to train with you a bit!


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Received interactions today (115)

SakuraWolf23, Haag, Riodise, pokemonxyz, Ashe012, Suzaku7699, Bubbly~, ~Sun~, middle, Darkdragonbz80, WalkingOnSunshine, systemraboot, SourApple, Thaaya, ShadowXTM, jaxsonv3, Maguro, MindPretzel, ImperialHound, trustysnail, RoyalGecko, Sharely, Shoopeu, DeadlyKoopa, MysteriousMe, polyda, Keatah, Adminus, Nika~, WolfieDire, Braixie, DGWHenrietta, axelforce, Bambiii, Umbreonpanda, Csoxi, Al4te, Enforcer, primrose_paw, CatLady, oFilip, Wichtel, Tamm, AlexanderHamilton, Kloppo, BerryGeneral, Slapie, Killik, Cherry_Blossom, Solo~Leveling, Himari, nikili96, kelskels, Chimera_snowflake, Leaf~, loketoke, Swiftphoenix, Vampirecat, Kaneki_Uchiha00, Daisy-Brown, Iggystar, champ1509, tiffanyp6, Guro, Sorasdra2simp, Hex-77, ch1pz, Purrloin, loppbunneary, Crysticia, Oreoapocalypse, BarnacleBoy, Gameboy1714, SigmaPolaris, Verenka, letus, Yari, atharv1000, Willowfur, -XYZ-, ~DreamingOfRain, EpicFailure, Blaze9000, MWERZU, NitaKalaga, dankuu8, Jorunna, Ilona, Human-Luna, Alphamon_Ouryuken, lynx, Shinekiara, Rori, Nadgobus, SuI_14, Purgatory, Verus, NapTime, Charmander25, -carter-, Zuxy, Exocomet, devilexe, Angoria93, TedizStalker, Shenaneggans, Yanpro, ~Pikachow9375~, HyperBeam, Galvadyne, Nauxiak, Muse, GOTO, Beachy72, vintageghost.