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No item

Level: 29
EXP: 272 /2,349

Health Points 77
Attack 45
Defense 43
Sp. Attack 59
Sp. Defense 43
Speed 59
Pokédex No. #156
Rarity Starter
Nature Timid
Trainer Pumatje
Origin. Trainer Pumatje
Breeder Professor Rowan
Obtained 5 Hours and 25 Minutes ago
As a present from Prof. Rowan
Family Tree
Hatched 5 Hours and 21 Minutes ago


Quilava wants to train with you a bit!


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Received interactions today (98)

Pumatje, BlueberryPiemon, Monkeynuts, SavgeBee, Darkdragonbz80, WalkingOnSunshine, xX_trashpanda_Xx, Thaaya, ShadowXTM, Chilenka, Yxoul, kidpigpop, ImperialHound, Orca~, WendyAlice, Wiglett, shwc1994, Monkeynut, Shoopeu, polyda, momalia, Lemeyx, Jadestar, RobbMoth, ~Pikaboo~, Akuseru, MeepTheMareep02, Fernando, LionsEye, Mycorrhiza, $pring, TheHolyFish, ShiningRayquaza, Iexist718, Aisaka, Yonoru, them3n, EternityBex, xaria_therian77, BloatedBulbasaur, RafaelKakoczki, FlufferBuffer, Cerdessius, quilavant, angel26569, Squeeeeep, loketoke, Vampirecat, purries, WisteriaAria, Tajador, amaikoneko, Noriy, Kademcbade, Latch84em, Kimie, Purrloin, Meowster, HimitSuS, Briethecrestie, rexXie, 4bsurd4narchist, Shiny, TheNoiceOne, AshlyKagome15, Dorkwad87, Tsubasa90, BarnacleBoy, AkaneShinso23, SigmaPolaris, Verenka, PokeyPlayer, RaiseARoselia, Willowfur, Graves, EpicFailure, Boots, RoadkillSkill, Farmer_Pikachu, R4IDEN, Lola~Bunny, DarkberryPiemon, Etielon, vvangel, juicyjae19, Violence~EXE, Nadgobus, Solev, Eeveelution_Masters, PlumeLagoon, Purgatory, Charmander25, Gailea, HyperBeam, Saratank, Nauxiak, GOTO, ShinyGengar.