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Adopt your own Pokémon-Egg!
No item

Level: 14
EXP: 599 /789

Health Points 39
Attack 25
Defense 15
Sp. Attack 21
Sp. Defense 27
Speed 17
Pokédex No. #704
Rarity Hard
Nature Brave
Trainer Yonoru
Origin. Trainer Yonoru
Breeder Yonoru
Obtained 1 Day and 7 Hours ago
Bred in the Daycare
Family Tree
Hatched 13 Hours and 59 Minutes ago


Goomy wants to train with you a bit!


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YEET_MASTER0515, Night5hade, Pumatje, hamzahssn, cssndras, Suzaku7699, Tlilkuautli, WalkingOnSunshine, systemraboot, Endorkable, Thaaya, ShadowXTM, Youyou67190, Yxoul, kidpigpop, Beneficent, WendyAlice, Monkeynut, Shoopeu, Hay-Shaymin, Iminsame00, Calbest, polyda, momalia, Keatah, unknown_kumi, Lemeyx, thatswampertguy, Fernando, Shrednaw, Mycorrhiza, TheHolyFish, absoul_74, Calliecutie, Masserozzo, Aisaka, Yonoru, them3n, Kloppo, xaria_therian77, Seabun, Cherry_Blossom, Cerdessius, quilavant, angel26569, Squeeeeep, loketoke, Hopeful_Luck, Vampirecat, purries, Iggystar, Noriy, izka197, Catlexx, Queen_Mareep, Kimie, Purrloin, loppbunneary, HimitSuS, Briethecrestie, pokekillerzach, rexXie, Ahtoshi, Kainbunny, Shiny, TheNoiceOne, MachineHymns, Dorkwad87, Tsubasa90, BarnacleBoy, Verenka, Unlucky-boxer, drackie, Grietine, logun, EpicFailure, Rice, pokefan5934, MWERZU, Ashlie, Jorunna, Hades215, Shinekiara, vvangel, juicyjae19, Dogga, Nadgobus, Purgatory, Randolph4811, Eto_Yoshimura, Blossomia, GooBear, devilexe, HyperBeam, Nauxiak, Takuto, NobodysHere, GOTO, ShiroTempest, Cyain, ShinyGengar.