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Adopt your own Pokémon-Egg!
No item

Level: 7
EXP: 67 /78

Health Points 23
Attack 13
Defense 16
Sp. Attack 13
Sp. Defense 15
Speed 8
Pokédex No. #599
Rarity Hard
Nature Sassy
Trainer Nauxiak
Origin. Trainer Nauxiak
Breeder Professor Rowan
Obtained 9 Hours and 10 Minutes ago
Adopted from the Lab
Family Tree
Hatched 8 Hours ago


Klink wants to train with you a bit!


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TheRedMist, SoulStar, WalkingOnSunshine, ShadowXTM, Maguro, random-flyinrat, KAMATOSE, TheDutchDemon, Quzen, mofedisrich123$$$$$, viroseliberty, Shoopeu, Jolteon_Trainer, kayvn, polyda, BloodLunar, momalia, Kochengsaur, Braixie, KoayZQ, Bambiii, Mycorrhiza, Csoxi, $pring, gheiuaMinh, absoul_74, Mihawkgaming49, Betoz, Xiao, snipertigress, Wichtel, AlexanderHamilton, Solo~Leveling, quilavant, Azrael_1106, Squeeeeep, loketoke, wateroxes, iceyrose, Iggystar, champ1509, izka197, Bezash, Kimie, gloomurai, HimitSuS, Briethecrestie, Crysticia, Libbey, Charlieplayspokemon, Shiny, -Kim, $hubh, BarnacleBoy, MarowakTrainer, shadowforcea7x, muffi, Verenka, HlyFghtr, Nadhujhan, Grietine, atharv1000, togramo, Willowfur, Mistwing, -XYZ-, Aether, ClauMch, Boots, Finhawk, cynoz, Meow_Arche, siqko, Zoen, Ilona, Rinne, DerEngelDerNacht, -nationaldex-, exodius, Shinekiara, CaptainParisStarr, Cnx28, NelvixAzone, Qiaokeli, Dogga, Rori, DraculeShiva, Nadgobus, *Snowflake*, NapTime, Zarbes, Canopy, Exocomet, Blossomia, schporty, B0MBus, GooBear, devilexe, Yanpro, HyperBeam, Luna_Kitty_Wolf, Nauxiak, GengarKeepsGrinning, ixer1203.