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Adopt your own Pokémon-Egg!
No item

Level: 97
EXP: 19,597 /31,398

Health Points 274
Attack 219
Defense 184
Sp. Attack 115
Sp. Defense 250
Speed 166
Pokédex No. #972
Rarity Hard
Nature Gentle
Trainer Shiny
Origin. Trainer Shiny
Breeder Shiny
Obtained 2 Days and 20 Hours ago
Bred in the Daycare
Family Tree
Hatched 2 Days and 19 Hours ago


Houndstone wants to train with you a bit!


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Received interactions today (76)

Thorns, TheHaloBunny, Anni146, pokemonxyz, Ashe012, Komainu, Darkdragonbz80, WalkingOnSunshine, Thaaya, Maguro, KAMATOSE, Hay-Shaymin, marinaspencer_, BluRay, MysteriousMe, BloodLunar, L04826, Kochengsaur, Neva, Piplupfan6828, MeepTheMareep02, Braixie, Tyana, CyndaGod, Mycorrhiza, bohemianpatsody, Calcarius, -Alakazam-, Xiao, AlexanderHamilton, Solo~Leveling, Himari, Cerdessius, quilavant, Castiello11, MeipandaQueen, loketoke, Vampirecat, WisteriaAria, Snowfrost, xXeclipseXx, Riuk, sparkyluxray, Kimie, Purrloin, HimitSuS, Libbey, CommanderVenus, Shiny, BarnacleBoy, ~-MysticM-~, Psique, Verenka, Unlucky-boxer, HlyFghtr, EpicFailure, Gojira1984, EeveeRyu, Absbor, Meow_Arche, LeoRia, NitaKalaga, Ciel, Rinne, Alphamon_Ouryuken, Cnx28, Nadgobus, LuLu-67, Diplodocus, KrabbyPaddie405, NapTime, Frostyy, Blossomia, Muse, GOTO, Beachy72.