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Adopt your own Pokémon-Egg!
No item

Level: 3
EXP: 36 /39

Health Points 15
Attack 8
Defense 8
Sp. Attack 8
Sp. Defense 8
Speed 7
Pokédex No. #152
Rarity Starter
Nature Relaxed
Trainer kkkkkk7474kk
Origin. Trainer TaeThelen
Breeder TaeThelen
Obtained 18 Hours and 46 Minutes ago
Bred in the Daycare
Family Tree
Hatched 16 Hours and 4 Minutes ago


Chikorita wants to train with you a bit!


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HarleenQuinzel, QueenWeiss, Pokomoninhumandisguise, S0urKiwi, Ashe012, GalaxyLime, sanalex, Moto15, JoshGord, BendyDemon, PrincessStormfly, WalkingOnSunshine, Another_Wolfie_Cryptid, Chilenka, KAMATOSE, pokemondark10, Moonlight-Haven, marinaspencer_, P_U_G_G_Y, PrisonerOfAlakazam, chungus, CelestiaCat, whydoi, kurtdotkelly, Bambiii, Fomantis, aprixsnake, pepper654, BrookeOak, Venom, Madhatter19xx, Pokeelite5, 25baam, GuardianAnthony, Dragonstars, FlufferBuffer, nikili96, ARzyn, loketoke, DelibirdDelivery, WisteriaAria, Halaflora, Silverwing, kkkkkk7474kk, Devil0356, Kimie, Rose_The_Wolf, Chomie, rexXie, haha18955, solonium, Shiny, Thelord, SonicExe, BarnacleBoy, User94301450, Verenka, paintboy, AmeliaHamAndEggs, ImmaculateSass, liquid-crystel, Sharktibolt, Graves, EpicFailure, BlackReshiram, Dragonwarrior, Allisa1504, DuskThunder, Bishop, SileNeshoba, NelvixAzone, PainFree, Purgatory, Sophos, Espevahr, Canopy, Rosie, GooBear, HariKing8, HyperBeam, Dragondestroyer, MidnightStrike, GengarKeepsGrinning, GOTO, ChibiTogepi.