Forum Thread
Team ChibiNight [a PH FF]
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanfictions → Team ChibiNight [a PH FF]
1ft 6in [excluding the mouth on his head]
Fire Fang || Stone Edge || Iron Head || Metal Burst || Feint Attack
Can Mega Evolve [not on-site, but for the FF]
Ranit (Ray)
1ft 0in [excluding the ears]
Screech/Supersonic || Wing Attack || Bite/Super Fang || Razor Wind || Draco Meteor
Now that you have met the team, a little about them. They don't seem like they get along most of the time, but are pretty close. They were going to join a guild, however the guild master wound up missing in action and was never found, so they wandered around for a while before they were snatched up by some humans and brought to the world of Pokéheroes.
"Ugh, my head hurts," the Mawile groaned as his little claws rubbed the top of his head. He opened his dark red eyes and looked around, shivering as he noticed that he was in some sort of storage area, large fences around the borders of the area. There were several other Pokémon in this enclosure, but most of them seemed happy and well trained.
"Get over it. We were captured and are now captive to some horrible human," the Noibat snapped at his leader, shaking out his small fluffy form as his brilliant yellow eyes assessed the situation. As he got sure of things, he had to duck as a ball went bouncing over him.
"SORRY! SORRY SORRY!" a flowery Mareep yelled as he came bounding over to collect the ball.
"Summer, over there, lost control," he explained as he looked over the two new faces.
"I don't think I've seen you two around before. If you're new to the area, you should talk to Kerashu or Luck to learn about Emera Town and the other creatures of Pokeheroes!"
"Pokeheroes?" the Mawile asked with a tilt of his little head as the jaw on it opened and closed in a curious manner.
"Is that some sort of guild?"
The green Mareep laughed, then lifted a paw and waved it to a rather large Charizard with three spikes on his head and wings off of his arms as well as the large ones sprouting from his back.
"Kerashu will answer all of your questions. He's one of the four main guardians that Navuso likes to keep around. He keeps everything in line, as does Luck, Barou, and Tervoi."
The Mawile cut his eyes to look at the Noibat, who just shrugged his wings.
"If that Charizard's the boss, then let's go," he stated rather simply, then flapped his wings and took off towards the Charizard. Frost sighed as he watched his teammate go speeding off ahead, since the Noibat was many times faster than himself.