Forum Thread
*~Rebellion Under the Rocket~* {Sign-up!}
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → *~Rebellion Under the Rocket~* {Sign-up!}Team Rocket has taken over the Kanto and Jonto Regions!!
Somehow, seemingly overnight, a team rocket has taken over the Kanto and Johto regions.. It started with the police stations.. Then the gyms.. And lastly the elite four and champions.. Boat ports, airports.. Taken over.. No way to leave the regions that have been taken over.. The Kantoian and Johtoian people are being treated like slaves… being forced to catch dozens of pokemon a week, or to build things for Team rocket under a watchful eye… though pay is given.. They must pay a fine to keep their pokemon and to buy food and water rations peopleand chilren are sick and starving.. power is only on for a few hours a day.. 5 rebellions came before to try to over take the tyrantic ruling of team rocket. But they were sabotaged every single time..
It had been six months since the fall of the fifth rebellion..
A new Group has been formed..
By a man named Tatum Zillias..
The Leaky Value Rellion..
“A Leaky Value can implode the Rocket”

~ All PH rules aply.
~ No cussing or inappropriate behavior. if any does these things they will get ONE warning and if done again, it will end in a ban from the rp. (words that aren't consider cussing like crap or shoot are allow)
~ Character may date, but the relationship must follow rule two and both people must agree to did.
~no Harassing or abusing others
~Minimum amount of sentences in a post can be 2-3.
~Reread previous forum posts before posting yours to prevent confusion in story
~ make sure your writing is clear to prevent confusion in story
Character rules:
~no overpowered characters please.
~ Character limit: 4
~due to lore reasons, no wild pokemon characters (unless soonly caught by a trainer)
~pokemon characters can be caught or owned by trainer other then the person who created them.
~a character mat have one major Proficiency and two minor Proficiencies
Necessary Character info:
~Name - what's your character's name and or nick-names.?
~Age - how old is your Character?
~Gender - Is your character male or female, or something else?
~Appearance - What does your character look like?
~Personality - how does your Character interact with their environment and and how do they behave?
~backstory - why and how did your character join the rebellion? if there not from kanto/johto, how did they get here?
{for human characters}
~Proficiencies - What is your character good at? battling? healing? engineering? hacking? (theses are only examples)
~Pokemon team - what are your character's pokemon? what are their moves? names? Stats and abilities?
{for pokemon characters}
~pokemon info - what are their moves? level? Stats and ability?
Pokemon mudkip 2 years old
Soon to be caught by my trainer character later in story
Curious but often fearful
Male and child of my second character
Currently running toward the kanto region from the hoenn region(explanation in character two)
Current level 5
Moves: tackle and growl
Ability:has dual abilities torrent ability and sensitive fin ability
Torrent makes moves 1.5 times more damage at low health
Sensitive fin let it sense danger and bodies of water
Same abilities for the father
Character two
Swampert male level 47, 12 years old
Strong independent and fearless
He was battling the now executive rocket James and told his son(my first character) to run away from the place
And then got captured by James
Moves:mud shot, water gun, earthquake, rock slide
Third character
14 year old boy named Jack
Outgoing but not very good at catching Pokemon, also very stubborn
Lives in kanto but never reaches his quota for catching Pokemon to get money from team rocket
No family just him very sad backstory that might be explained later in story
No Pokemon as the only 3 he has ever caught were taken away from him
He does know a lot about Pokemon though very smart guy
~Age: 15
~Gender:non-binary (they/them)
~Appearance: their hair is dyed a dark turquoise, and they are quite tall.
~Personality: they are kind & shy.
~backstory: they were originally from sinnoh, they traveled to Kanto by boat. They joined because they wanted to get revenge on Roark for doubting them.
~Proficiencies: they are good at writing, planning & strategy .
~Pokemon team:

Moveset: hyper voice | roost | sing | hurricane.
(Vulpix -> ninetails[fox will evolve])
Vulpix Moveset: Extrasensory | Hypnosis | Dig | substitute.
Ninetails moveset: Dig | Substitute | Dazzling gleam | Hex
~ Extra information ~
Personality: he likes to make people laugh.
He mainly focuses on Defense.
Personality: she is good at being sneaky
She focuses on speed.

Profile picture by me :)