Forum Thread
a sparkle of hope(sign ups)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → a sparkle of hope(sign ups)This roleplay will be in the galar region!(accepting pokemon and trainer sign ups!)

some Pokemon have been mind-controlled and been stealing other Pokemon
so it’s up to project: anti mind control to stop them.
(You can change the form depending on if they are a trainer or a Pokemon)
character name:
Appearance:(description/ picture)
moveset(if they are a Pokemon):
Pokemon team(if they are a trainer, the Pokemon can also have nicknames):
my forms

Lily bloomheart
character name:lily bloomheart

nicknames:lil, ms bloomheart
hometown: glimwood tangle
Pokemon team: chompers(mawile)[male] moon(umbreon)[female] frog(leafeon)[male] pyro(raboot)[male]
Lemon(spectrier)[non-binary] Flower(shiny Gible)[female]
(Some Pokemon will evolve)
(Some Pokemon will be caught)
character name: maple
Appearance:a small sprigatito that wears a purple collar around his neck, he is the brother of thorn
moveset(if they are a Pokemon):magical leaf, hone claws, leafage.
character name:thorn
Appearance:a Floragato who currently has a bandage around her right leg due to a mind controlled charmander badly injuring it, she is the sister of maple
moveset(if they are a Pokemon):slash, seed bomb, energy ball, quick attack
character name:glacier
Appearance:a alolan ninetails who wears a deep blue scarf
moveset(if they are a Pokemon):dazzling gleam, ice shard, ice beam, psyshock.
nicknames:icy stare
Hometown: tapu village
angel webspark
character name: angel webspark
Appearance:a tall, blonde haired girl, she has a sylveon backpack that she always keeps with her. Her eyes are a nice, forest green
nicknames:Angelica, webspark
hometown:Glimwood tangle
Pokemon team(if they are a trainer, the Pokemon can also have nicknames):tango(shiny flareon)[male] empress(purrloin)[female] sylvio(sylveon)[male]
character name: Gemstone
Appearance: A mewtwo with bright yellow gems on her, the gems give her special powers. her Eyes are also Yellow
moveset(if they are a Pokemon): aura sphere | psycho cut | future sight | recover
nicknames: Gem
gender+pronouns: female(she/her)
hometown: unknown
character name: Darkwing
Appearance: he is a regular murkrow, and he lost one of his wings. So he has a replacement wing.
moveset(if they are a Pokemon): Wing attack | Confuse ray | Hex | Acrobatics
nicknames: officer Darkwing.
gender+pronouns: male (he/him)
hometown: blackthorn
character name: Darkwing
Appearance: he is a regular murkrow, and he lost one of his wings. So he has a replacement wing.
moveset(if they are a Pokemon): Wing attack | Confuse ray | Hex | Acrobatics
nicknames: officer Darkwing.
gender+pronouns: male (he/him)
hometown: blackthorn
(More characters will be added)

Profile picture by me :)
Appearance: My profile picture! Full body
Moveset: Outrage, Swords Dance, Shadow Force, Extreme Speed
Nicknames: Vix, Sharovi (The latter is rarely used)
Gender + Pronouns: Non-Binary (Any pronouns will do, She/Her preferred)
Hometown: Unknown
Pokemon team: None
Pokemon info:

A hybrid of Giratina, Eevee and Arceus
which I'm using as my PFP and accidentally turned her into a full
on OC.
Type: Normal/Ghost
Ability: Multitype (Only works on primary typing)
HP 60 ..... DEF 60 ..... SPD 40
ATK 100 .. SPA 50 ..... SPE 80
Total 390
Type: Normal/Ghost
Ability: Multitype (Only works on primary typing)
HP 60 ..... DEF 60 ..... SPD 40
ATK 100 .. SPA 50 ..... SPE 80
Total 390
Appearance:(description/ picture)photo coming soon) a Shiny Ralts, but her color is different color. instead of light blue, it's a ultramarine, instead of normal orange, it's a burnt orange
moveset(if they are a Pokemon):Teleport, Disarming Voice, Life Dew, Shadow Sneak.
nicknames: Paku, Paki, Ona
gender+pronouns: female
hometown:Veilstone City, Sinnoh
BackStory: ? ? ?
character name: Sora
Appearance: A buizel with a slightly more muted color palette, with extra brown markings and split elbow flippers (Full body ref)
Movesets: Aqua Jet, Crunch, Whirlpool, Sleep Talk
Nicknames: Sora, Slinky, Hitchhiker (he forgot who gave this one)
Gender+pronouns: Genderfaun, he/him
Hometown: Unknown
Pokemon team: Rouge, sometimes randomly joins other pokemon team, even trainers (where he got his TM moves)
Help me level them up too!
Name: Dakota (female)

Team Rocket head admin, in charge of
the Galar Takeover project. a mole for team rocket
family Relations:
Appearance: 5'3" (1.6m) in height, pale skin. deep, cold, hazel colored eyes. hair color is a ash blond color with a red layer underneath(like kerian and carmine), hair goes just a little past her shoulders, long curtain bangs. her hair in the back curls up at the end. she wears a top (similar to Giovanni's but fitted to her body), she wear a red skirt just that ends above knee, gray crew socks with two red stripes, she also wears brown heavy duty boots.
Personality: friendly and kind always willing to help. (spoilers for personality V)

truly deceptive by nature, amazing at
tricking people and pokemon into believing her every emotion and
word she mutters. she only feels malice to people and pokemon
against her, she strives to be like her father.
Pokemon team: (moves will be added later)
#1: Umbreon - nickname: Bean(Female)
#2 Espeon - nickmane: Pinto(male)
#3 Skarmory - Avery(male) - Aerial ace - X-scissors
#4 Arcanine - King(male)
#5 Amphorus - Ducky(female)
#6 Gengar - Ruby(SM and gigatnamax Female)(Ace)
Species:mudkip, male
Name:mudkip(with possible nicknames if caught)
Backstory main- was caught in hoenn and smuggled into Galatians by team rocket, during a raid by police I escaped and am hiding in nearby woodland area or smth
Appearance: mudkip level 3
current moves:mud shot, water gun,rock slide (will be updated as rp goes on)
my current contest!! pls join
my pokemon shop!!!
Appearance: A Tauros with a Moon Birthmark between his horns, and has a purplish-brown fur.
Moveset: Double-Edge, Zen Headbutt, Horn Attack, Work Up
Nickname: Tau, Astro
Gender + Pronouns: Male, He/Him
Hometown: Paniola Town
Please train this to Level 400!

Please send me plushies if you can!
Thank you! <3<3<3

due to the form being so jumbled up I
can not really tell what is going on
and 2, because there isn’t any proper information on the characters appearance (example: colors[like if they don’t have the regular color] ) it makes it harder to imagine the roleplay, and when I want to make the banner, it would make it harder to imagine the colors and height
and 2, because there isn’t any proper information on the characters appearance (example: colors[like if they don’t have the regular color] ) it makes it harder to imagine the roleplay, and when I want to make the banner, it would make it harder to imagine the colors and height

Profile picture by me :)
about two feet tall
moveset(if they are a Pokemon):water gun, mud shot, rock slide
nicknames:none currently
gender+pronouns:male he/him
hometown:forest near rustboro
Pokemon team(if they are a trainer, the Pokemon can also have nicknames):none
backstory:was caught in hoenn and smuggled into Galatians by team rocket, during a raid by police I escaped and am hiding in galar mine (I am currently at level 9)
is this better?
my current contest!! pls join
my pokemon shop!!!
Appearance: Shiny Tinkaton!
Moveset: Gigaton Hammer, Play Rough, Knock Off, Steel Beam
Nicknames: Sunny, Sun
Gender + Pronouns: Female (She/Her)
Hometown: Unknown
Pokemon team: None
Character name: Delta
Appearance: A
Moveset: Facade, Bite, Transform, Night Slash
Nicknames: None
Gender + Pronouns: Non-Binary (They/Them)
Hometown: Cinnabar Island
Pokemon team: None
These two were originally from a different RP, not on Pokeheroes, neither were they Pokemon. But I think Tinkaton and Sylveon fit them very well.