Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → WishesPakuona uses detect!(on araysh)
'why.. w-why are you scare of me..?"
“Get. Away. FROM. ME!”
He looked back at Pakuona
“I'm not scared, just... Annoyed. It's my second day here and I already have to deal with so many new people. I'm not really used to being with other Pokemon. Imagine having flies in your house. Now imagine that those flies can talk and occassionally want something from you.”
she said to Araysh
she was still extremely fearful, not knowing if she was going to be attacked
Pakuona uses teleport!
she teleported within ten feet of her last location!
she searched for berries in the bushes, wanting to make up for using a weak attack
she appears behind Araysh with 6 or 7 oran berries
"um. i-i'm s-sorry"
"t-t-these are for y-you.."
Pakuone uses teleport
she teleports back over to where she gather the berries
she teleports to FlareSkull
"i b-brought you some b-berries too"