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Forum Thread

Survival of paldea [pkmn S/V nuzlocke]

Forum-Index Diaries Survival of paldea [pkmn S/V nuzlocke]
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 549
Posted: Wed, 08/01/2025 15:14 (2 Months ago)

survival of paldea

[a Pokémon Scarlet and violet nuzlocke]
(I do have the dlc so I have some dlc pkmn)
please do not post here! If you want to talk about this pm me
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Dance bird(oricorio)

The fallen
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muffin[ lechonk,cause of death: arven’s skwovet]
Quaky [quaxly, cause of death: nemona’s pawmi]
Ralts[I forgot the name, cause of death: nemona’s pawmi]
Chewy[chewtle, cause of death: nemona’s pawmi]
Tarountula[I forgot the nickname, cause of death : nemona’s pawmi]
[I forgot a few]
Hoppip-skiploom [leaf,cause of death: forgot ]
[probably forgot a few more]
Nacli [may,cause of death: katy(first gym leader)’s tediursa]
He(heracross,cause:kieran battle)
[forgot more of course…]
Pixie[vulpix, cause: carmine’s mightyena, this death hurts the most out of all of them so far]
Mud[mudbray, cause: carmine]
[and quite a few more that I forgot]

Current location: artazon
Highest level Pokemon: ivy(steenee): lvl 21

My nuzlocke rules:
No repeating the same Pokemon
If it faints it dies(I have boxes called “graves”)
I must nickname all of them

Profile picture by me :)
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 10/01/2025 00:17 (1 Month ago)
I did a nuzlocke once. I lost.
Hi! I'm LilRay! My favorite Pokemon are Gallade and my own made up character, Kevin The Scorbunny!
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 549
Posted: Fri, 10/01/2025 14:25 (1 Month ago)
A few Pokémon have been temporarily put in the box

Profile picture by me :)