Forum Thread
Damiens random stuff because he's forgetful
Forum-Index → Diaries → Damiens random stuff because he's forgetfulthings im saving up for
random stats I've deemed important
other items I'm saving
the number of a certain species/plushie I have and how far that is from my goal
literally anything I can't put on a feed
I have 101. I've already reached 67% of my goal of 150!
I have two billion phantump and trevanant. I am saving up for the radar and such because I want to not only shiny hunt but also just straight up hoard them. while you're here why not meet my babies?

current event calendar status as of 13/12/24:
2,000 power orbs
Christmas skiddo plushie (SO CUTE!!)
so, uh, obviously I missed a few days...
i currently have 11 regular baits, 55 tasty baits, 6 delicious baits, 0 magnetic baits, and 0 shiny baits. T__T
it's rough out here!

i know the bait market is small, but man!!!!!
(life update: i gave in and bought a few. so much for saving up money.,.,,.