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Celestial moon (story forum)

Forum-Index Diaries Celestial moon (story forum)
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 541
Posted: Sun, 27/10/2024 15:38 (4 Months ago)

celestial moon

~content ~
Chapter one: where it all began
Chapter Two: enter rikone!
Chapter three: the invention
Chapter four: the ancient-pokemon?
Silver*autumn leafeon *
Rikone *riolu *
Destiny *absol*
Finnigan *nikit*
Neonstrike *electrike *
*a note is written on the front of the book *:
Please do not write in this book!

~ chapter one : where it all began ~

Finnigan stretched out on the cozy sofa “hey finnigan!”said silver, “ silver?”said finnigan

Finnagan looks at silver wide eyed “is that glass in your leg? “ said silver with a worried look
“Y-yes”said finnagan … *silver carefully takes the glass out of finnagan’s leg and puts bandages around it “are you okay now finn?” *finnagan nods his head * *someone bangs on the door * “ I’ll get the door finn your still injured “ said silver *silver opens the door to see destiny * “ silver hello” said destiny

“Destiny! How are you?”says silver with a smile “great,you?” Says destiny with her classic unamused face
“Same, come on in!” Said silver

Destiny walks in with her icy glare,Focused on finnagan

Profile picture by me :)
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 541
Posted: Sun, 27/10/2024 17:18 (4 Months ago)
“I sense danger “said destiny *footsteps* they hear violent sounds from by the door
“Shh don’t say a word “ destiny whispers *they silently walk to the door * destiny opens the door quietly “quickly” she whispers *they run across the street on their way they see a angry garcomp and a weakened Riolu…

“Don’t hur-hurt me- the voice said

Profile picture by me :)
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 541
Posted: Sun, 27/10/2024 18:20 (4 Months ago)

Title: Chapter two:enter rikone!

“Stay here, I’m the only one who can mega evolve out of us “said destiny “ but destiny-“said silver “ no but’s I’m going “said destiny

*destiny mega evolves and walks to the garchomp *”hey scarface!!” Says destiny *the garchomp turns around and slashes destiny across her chest * destiny hisses in pain “y-you fool-“said destiny

“You don’t understand anyone’s feelings!” Said destiny before she used dark pulse,the garchomp roared in pain and anger

Garchomp uses slash again and destiny uses shadow sneak *garchomp faints * “ th-thanks! My name is rikone “said the riolu .

Profile picture by me :)
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 541
Posted: Sun, 27/10/2024 20:53 (4 Months ago)
“I’m d-destiny “said destiny “hi d-destiny!”said rikone *destiny blushes *”no my name is just destiny.” Said destiny still blushing “destiny!” Said silver “silver!” Said destiny now blushing even more

Finnagan rushed up to destiny,”destiny! Are you okay?” Said Finnagan

“I’m ok though I do have a scar across my chest now “said destiny

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Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 541
Posted: Mon, 28/10/2024 08:32 (4 Months ago)
“Nothing that berry’s can’t ease the pain away from.” Said silver “your correct but I’m going back to my old shack “ Said destiny “ you can’t, you are too hurt “ said silver.”but- my friend-“ said destiny “your friend can wait for now.” Said silver “my friend is hurt “ said destiny “ since you REALLY want to see your friend just this once I will carry you “ said silver while shrugging destiny onto her shoulders

*they walk to destiny’s shack in the forest *”destiny?!” A Voice said “neonstrike?” Said destiny “ co-come here “ a different voice said *destiny slashes at the grimsnarl trying to lure her *

Profile picture by me :)
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 541
Posted: Mon, 28/10/2024 10:13 (4 Months ago)

Title: Chapter three: the invention

“Don’t worry neonstrike these are my friends “ said destiny calmly “are you- sure?” Said neonstrike

“Very sure” said destiny “o-ok” said neonstrike

Profile picture by me :)
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 541
Posted: Mon, 28/10/2024 12:35 (4 Months ago)
“ are you ok destiny?” Said neonstrike “yes” said destiny

Profile picture by me :)
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 541
Posted: Thu, 31/10/2024 13:46 (4 Months ago)
Neonstrike stares at destiny’s scar “are you sure?”said neonstrike

“Destiny tell him the truth “said silver

*destiny gulps*”i - *hisses in pain *am not ok”said destiny

“Destiny the invention you are making!”said neonstrike

Profile picture by me :)
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 541
Posted: Sun, 03/11/2024 11:09 (3 Months ago)
“Oh that robot mewtwo !”said destiny “huh-“said Finnagan

Profile picture by me :)
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 541
Posted: Mon, 04/11/2024 11:55 (3 Months ago)
*they hear clanging from the shack* “hey are you the owner of this shack-ow!”said a voice “ yes and you are…!”said destiny “well um-a little bit of help please “said a scared voice

Profile picture by me :)
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 541
Posted: Fri, 08/11/2024 09:15 (3 Months ago)
“Stop it you chunk of metal!” Said the voice

Profile picture by me :)
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 541
Posted: Thu, 21/11/2024 13:02 (3 Months ago)
“I SAID GET AWAY “said the voice…

Profile picture by me :)
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 541
Posted: Tue, 10/12/2024 17:13 (2 Months ago)
A splash of colour races out of the shack, and the wind rushes by destiny silver & finnagan

Profile picture by me :)
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 541
Posted: Wed, 12/02/2025 21:31 (19 Days ago)
“What the mimikyu-?” Said Finnagan

Profile picture by me :)
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 541
Posted: Thu, 13/02/2025 12:50 (18 Days ago)
Destiny looks through the window, her invention’s eyes were glowing.

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