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YOYLECAKE Central’s Official Site & Shop!

Forum-Index Global Trade Station Trade Shops YOYLECAKE Central’s Official Site & Shop!
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 273
Posted: Thu, 19/09/2024 09:28 (17 Hours ago)

Hello, customer! Welcome to YOYLECAKE Central! How may we help you?
Do you want….


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Currently available items:
5 Electric
1 Grass
1 Ice
1 Psychic

Evo Stones:
1 Oval Stone
1 Thunder Stone
3 Sun Stone
1 Dusk Stone
7 Ice Stone

1 Old Pokédex

Legendary Items:
None at the moment…

Battle Items:
1 Zinc

Discuss prices in post please!

Moving on…

Here’s our Stafflist:
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Lemondrop~: Creator of YOYLECAKE Central, Worker/Editor, Boxes & Items, Giveaways, Chat Admin
_snoms_: YOYLEStaff, Giveaways, Chat Admin, Pokémon
Retrio: YOYLEStaff, Boxes, Giveaways
lace_of_vees: YOYLEStaff, Giveaways

If you want to be a staff member, here’s the Staff Application:
Hey Lemondrop~, can I work at YOYLECAKE Central?
Occupations you want to handle:
Join the YOYLECentral PalPad?:

And, last but not least, here’s the Order Form:
Hello there? I’m interested in buying something!
Section (Pokémon or Items):
Box/Item Section:
Amount of PD you are willing to pay:
Anything else?:

By the way this isn’t just a shop. It’s also a future giveaway site and chat! I may start a giveaway or two whenever, so stay tuned! These prizes can range for PD to Free Shinies!

Happy shopping/chatting and have a great day!

*This post was sponsored by YOYLECAKE Central. Teardrop~, Marker, Lemondrop~, and other names made by @Lemondrop~ are property of YOYLECAKE Central. Please do not use YOYLECAKE CENTRAL characters without permission!*

Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 273
Posted: Thu, 19/09/2024 19:16 (7 Hours ago)

Title: Chat Box and Shop Rules

1. All PH rules apply.
2. No boasting to someone else that you got something they wanted.
3. Giveaways will be announced through chat box. ONLY YOYLESTAFF CAN START GIVEAWAYS, unless given permission to do so by an official YOYLEStaff member.
4. If you lose a giveaway, don’t make a fuss. You can always try other times.
6. No personal questions of any kind.

Breaking any of these rules will result in a warning! (Again, only staff members can give warnings.) 3 warnings will result in a ban.

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Nothing to see here yet!

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Nothing to see here yet.

*This post was sponsored by YOYLECAKE Central. Teardrop~, Marker, Lemondrop~, and other names made by @Lemondrop~ are property of YOYLECAKE Central. Please do not use YOYLECAKE CENTRAL characters without permission!*

Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 5
Posted: Thu, 19/09/2024 19:58 (6 Hours ago)

Title: yay

this is cool
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 20
Posted: Thu, 19/09/2024 20:00 (6 Hours ago)
Thanks for your support!

Hey guys here are some of the boxes I have on sale!!!
Sale Box 1
Sale Box 2
Anything in These boxes are 4 sale ask me and I will provide a price
*This post was sponsored by YOYLECAKE Central. Teardrop~, Marker, Lemondrop~, and other names made by @Lemondrop~ are property of YOYLECAKE Central. Please do not use YOYLECAKE CENTRAL characters without permission*
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 123
Posted: Thu, 19/09/2024 22:20 (4 Hours ago)
Hello, What boxes do i look in to buy from @Lemondrop~ ?

A million words would not bring you back, I know because I tried, neither would a million tears, I know because I cried.
- Yummy~
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 273
Posted: Thu, 19/09/2024 22:39 (3 Hours ago)
That’s posted under Pokémon in the OG post!
Or you can just check here!
*This post was sponsored by YOYLECAKE Central. Teardrop~, Marker, Lemondrop~, and other names made by @Lemondrop~ are property of YOYLECAKE Central. Please do not use YOYLECAKE CENTRAL characters without permission!*

Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 35
Posted: Fri, 20/09/2024 00:14 (2 Hours ago)
box 1
box 2
]box 3
box 4
box 5
please only take sewaddle/sewaddle evos from box 5. the rest in box 5 are nft.

hatch them: