Forum Thread
Pokémon Quest Vol 1
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Welcome to my Forum Quest!
Hold up. What's a Forum Quest?
For you young 'uns, a Forum Quest is a game! I am the Quest Master (QM) and all of you are the players! It's a role playing, interactive game where your posts will determine what happens! The Main character (this egg!) will be controlled by all of you, and the environment and other characters are controlled by me.
Ok. How do I play?
Our character is going to find themselves in tricky situations. Make a post (in short sentences) to perform an action. This could be interacting with another character, looking around, examining things closer, battling, moving to another scene or whatever else you can think of!

How will this work with many people acting out the same character?
I'll try and keep things as streamline as possible, if there are multiple posts before I make the next panel, I will select what I determine to be the best course of action. I may also veto a command if it will be too destructive or unnecessary. Or I might select the most inventive, who knows?
How often will this be updated?
As much as I'm able! Each update will come in the form of a visual panel like the one you see below. I can pretty much make these whenever I'm at my PC and not busy. I might wait a little for a good command before the action happens. You can expect them at regular intervals, some may be multiple times a week, some may be multiple times a day.
Guide on playing

Commands should be formatted like this:
> Look around
Then I can tell what is a command and what is just a regular post.
The main character does have a mind of their own, they aren't going to follow inappropriate, impossible, out of character or unhelpful commands.
If you try something and it doesn't work, do something different. If someone has already posted nearly the same command for the same scene, don't.
This is you. What are you?
(See my Polls to help decide!)

Art by me.
It seems this tree has been dead for some time, two marks are embedded in the bark. One appears to be from a three clawed hand, the others origin is unknown but from what you can make out, something blunt hit the tree extremely hard. Thankfully, it seems neither culprit is still here.

Art by me.