Forum Thread
Combe and miltank
Forum-Index → Help → Answered → Combe and miltankHowever, Milktank is obtainable from the Lab, Tall Grass, or Gem Collector (though the last two require the EggDex entry). You can also get Miltank by breeding but other than that, you can only get it from trading (Auctions / GTS)
Combee can be obtained from the Honey Tree on route 53. It's one of the pokémon that can be drawn in.
You can obtain honey in ways other than having combee producing it for you (such as from rumble areas or buying it from other users), so can lure in combee before you have one if needed.
Then there's the ways mentioned above: Breeding, GTS, Wondertrade, and Auctions.
As for Miltank, the only correction that I'd like to add is that the gem collector goes based on if you have the pokédex entry rather than if you have the eggdex entry. So if you own a Miltank, but haven't hatched one yet, you can buy Miltank eggs from the Gem Collector for 40 normal gems a piece. (If you have the gems, you can often ask to borrow someone's pokémon in order to buy the egg, then return the pokémon to the user)