Forum Thread
Flapple's Shop !!! NOW OPEN
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → Flapple's Shop !!! NOW OPEN

Hello everyone !!! This shop is divided in in 2 Posts !!!
- 1st Post contains selling of items and Shiny Custom Hunts
- 2nd Post contains selling of Shinies
Rules: must read it ...

1.All PH Rules Apply
2.Please check the list for an open slot before posting
3.Use the Form
4.Be patient (since you won't be the only order I have to complete)
5.You have 5 days to claim the shiny
2.Please check the list for an open slot before posting
3.Use the Form
4.Be patient (since you won't be the only order I have to complete)
5.You have 5 days to claim the shiny
Main Items for sale :

Legendary Items :

I will keep on updating on the items... Feel free to ask if u want any other items and I will check and tell ya !!!

Easy = 60k PD
Medium = 90k PD
Hard = 120k PD
Rare = 135k PD
Starter = 190 PD
Special = 150k PD
Fossils = 150k PD
Other Accepted Items

Current Hunt :

1. nat75 ( 3 MALE shinies )
Custom Hunt Shops :
1. HenryAllain - 4 shiny Honedge (Paid half)
2. ~SpiritBeHolder~ - Shiny Gastly (Paid)
Order Post
Username :
Shiny wanted :
Quantity :
Mode of payment :

- black pearl
- affogato
- shadow milk
- mystic flour hmo
- dark cacao
- milky way
- frilled jellyfish
- affogato
- shadow milk
- mystic flour hmo
- dark cacao
- milky way
- frilled jellyfish

- black pearl
- affogato
- shadow milk
- mystic flour hmo
- dark cacao
- milky way
- frilled jellyfish
- affogato
- shadow milk
- mystic flour hmo
- dark cacao
- milky way
- frilled jellyfish