Cythia:No Way am i Letting You handle that.............THING
Alone!Come Out Dark Hunter!(Darkrai)
Hunter Use Dark Void!
after the final blast, X and Cynthia were knocked iut. they were
found by X's mom a few hours later. even though Cynthia wasnt hurt
at all after the blast, X was brutaly injured*
*coughs* x: no, that cant be the readon, other wise it would have
attacked a long time ago. i think some other epople might be up to
X: Look, i dont think im gonna make it. I want you to give my
pokemon to my little brother Axel. Tell hom what happened *coughs*
and he'll know what to do.
Cynthia:It might be Team Galactic no it is no them they disbanded
years ago it has to be Team..................................... No
it can't they couldn't have awakend Giratina Or could they it
must've Been Team Borges!