Forum Thread
Angler's Harbor [OPEN]
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → Angler's Harbor [OPEN]Rules:
- All PH rules
- Please don't rush me, although I only put pokemon I currently have on sale, I still have other things to do in life
- PP/PM for discussing any prices ^^ (I'm not very sure if these prices are fair)
- If the fish I adopt for you is MA, you get to keep it at the same price(ex: if you order a magikarp and it's MA, you keep it for the same price)
- Please don't use discount codes that aren't meant for you
- Breaking any of theses rules will result in a temporary ban
Current Bans:
Public Discount Codes: (for anyone to use)
Other than that, that's it! Moving on to the fishies now ^^
Fishies for sale:

Poliwag [100 pd] stock: 31
Poliwhirl [500 pd] stock: 10
Tentacool [50 pd] stock: 132
Tentacool (Retro) [2000 pd] stock: 2
Tentacruel [1000 pd] stock: 7
Shellder [750 pd] stock: 5
Cloyster [500 pd] stock: 9
Horsea [2000 pd] stock: 3
Goldeen [100 pd] stock: 54
Seaking [200 pd] stock: 30
Staryu [1500 pd] stock: 11
Magikarp [100 pd] stock: 7
Gyarados [500 pd] stock: 40
Chinchou [1500 pd] stock: 12
Lanturn [1500 pd] stock: 17
Marill [1000 pd] stock: 19
Remoraid [500 pd] stock: 34
Mantine [2000 pd] stock: 3
Azurill [500 pd] stock: 54
Carvanha [2000 pd] stock: 8
Wailmer [2000 pd] stock: 3
Corphish [3000 pd] stock: 1
Feebas [3000 pd] stock: 2
Clamperl [1000 pd] stock: 14
Huntail [3000 pd] stock: 1
Piplup [3000 pd] stock: 2
Finneon [2000 pd] stock: 4
Lumineon [3000 pd] stock: 2
Mantyke [1500 pd] stock: 16
Phione [3000 pd] stock: 5
Tympole [1000 pd] stock: 11
Frillish [500 pd] stock: 25
Tynamo [500 pd] stock: 27
Inkay [1000 pd] stock: 17
Skrelp [1500 pd] stock: 10
Clauncher [1000 pd] stock: 13
Crabrawler [3000 pd] stock: 3
Craboniable [3000 pd] stock: 3
Wishiwashi [2000 pd] stock: 15
Bruxish [2000 pd] stock: 12
Arrokuda [1500 pd] stock: 8
Barraskewda [2000 pd] stock: 4
Poliwhirl [500 pd] stock: 10
Tentacool [50 pd] stock: 132
Tentacool (Retro) [2000 pd] stock: 2
Tentacruel [1000 pd] stock: 7
Shellder [750 pd] stock: 5
Cloyster [500 pd] stock: 9
Horsea [2000 pd] stock: 3
Goldeen [100 pd] stock: 54
Seaking [200 pd] stock: 30
Staryu [1500 pd] stock: 11
Magikarp [100 pd] stock: 7
Gyarados [500 pd] stock: 40
Chinchou [1500 pd] stock: 12
Lanturn [1500 pd] stock: 17
Marill [1000 pd] stock: 19
Remoraid [500 pd] stock: 34
Mantine [2000 pd] stock: 3
Azurill [500 pd] stock: 54
Carvanha [2000 pd] stock: 8
Wailmer [2000 pd] stock: 3
Corphish [3000 pd] stock: 1
Feebas [3000 pd] stock: 2
Clamperl [1000 pd] stock: 14
Huntail [3000 pd] stock: 1
Piplup [3000 pd] stock: 2
Finneon [2000 pd] stock: 4
Lumineon [3000 pd] stock: 2
Mantyke [1500 pd] stock: 16
Phione [3000 pd] stock: 5
Tympole [1000 pd] stock: 11
Frillish [500 pd] stock: 25
Tynamo [500 pd] stock: 27
Inkay [1000 pd] stock: 17
Skrelp [1500 pd] stock: 10
Clauncher [1000 pd] stock: 13
Crabrawler [3000 pd] stock: 3
Craboniable [3000 pd] stock: 3
Wishiwashi [2000 pd] stock: 15
Bruxish [2000 pd] stock: 12
Arrokuda [1500 pd] stock: 8
Barraskewda [2000 pd] stock: 4
I'm currently saving Magikarp and the water starter pokemon for shiny and magik rod. If I manage to catch any extras, I'll put them up.
If there is a fish that you want that isn't here yet, you can PP/PM me to save a slot once I catch that pokemon ^^
As well as fish I catch from the beach, I'm also selling items I catch!
Items for sale:

Fossils (10000 pd each):
Dome Fossil stock: 2
Jaw Fossil stock: 1
Old Amber Fossil stock: 2
Plume Fossil stock: 1
Sail Fossil stock: 2
Dino Fossil stock: 2
Drake Fossil stock: 2
Fish Fossil stock: 1
Other Items:
Shoal Salt [100 pd] stock: 56
Shoal Shell [100 pd] stock: 91
Pearl [500 pd] stock: 22
Bottled Message [24000 pd] stock: 2
Dome Fossil stock: 2
Jaw Fossil stock: 1
Old Amber Fossil stock: 2
Plume Fossil stock: 1
Sail Fossil stock: 2
Dino Fossil stock: 2
Drake Fossil stock: 2
Fish Fossil stock: 1
Other Items:
Shoal Salt [100 pd] stock: 56
Shoal Shell [100 pd] stock: 91
Pearl [500 pd] stock: 22
Bottled Message [24000 pd] stock: 2
Order Form:

Hi TVArticuno! I'd like to order a/a few fish!
Fish I would like:
How many:
Tips (optional):
Discount Codes:
Slot Order:
Hi TVArticuno, I'd like to buy a slot for a/a few fish that you don't currently have on sale!
Fish I would like:
How many:
Offer for payment (PP/PM to discuss):
Tips (optional):
Discount Codes:
Item Order:
Hi TVArticuno, I'd like to buy some items!
Item/s I would like:
How many:
Tips (optional):
Discount Codes:
Hi TVArticuno! I'd like to order a/a few fish!
Fish I would like:
How many:
Tips (optional):
Discount Codes:
Slot Order:
Hi TVArticuno, I'd like to buy a slot for a/a few fish that you don't currently have on sale!
Fish I would like:
How many:
Offer for payment (PP/PM to discuss):
Tips (optional):
Discount Codes:
Item Order:
Hi TVArticuno, I'd like to buy some items!
Item/s I would like:
How many:
Tips (optional):
Discount Codes:
Tips don't have to be only pd! They can be nuggets, gems, items, mystery items, etc
Tips have a chance of receiving a special discount code just for you!
First Shiny Hunt:
Shiny Legends:
Route 53:
Other Sparkly Children:
Emera beach:
None yet! (

😃 This is Bob! Post him around PokeHeroes to explore the
-|- world! I want Bob To have a good time exploring so help
/ \ Him explore! Users chain: Blaziken_90 Pikachow berrypass Drakonia $hinyDONuT Imbored[/spoiler]
A good shop for dex filling!