Forum Thread
☆ Cerdessius Item and Pokéshop ☆
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → ☆ Cerdessius Item and Pokéshop ☆Welcome! My item shop can be found just below this introduction, and the Pokémon shop is right below the item shop! The buy forms can be found at the bottom of each shop.
I also have a buying counter underneath both shops if you want to sell some items or Pokémon to me! I'm willing to buy anything within my budget!
When the buy form is completed and posted here, I will reply to your message here with the total price and send the trade as soon as I can.
Tips are entirely optional but greatly appreciated!! <3
At the very bottom of each shop, I also have a date and time listed that the shop was last updated. Any items pending trade for users will be crossed out. When an item is traded and goes out of stock, it will be removed from the shop.
Please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns!
☆ Item Shop ☆
I've organized the items I have for sale based primarily on the categories in the item bag for easier finding, but none of my stock is hidden inside a spoiler so please feel free to use the find function (Ctrl+F or Command+F) to look for anything!If an item or section doesn't appear, then unfortunately I don't have it in stock! Sorry about that!
☆ 0x Bug Gem | 500 PD each
☆ 0x Fighting Gem | 300 PD each
☆ 0x Flying Gem | 900 PD each
☆ 0x Grass Gem | 600 PD each
☆ 0x Ground Gem | 350 PD each
☆ 0x Poison Gem | 500 PD each
☆ 0x Rock Gem | 300 PD each
☆ 0x Water Gem | 700 PD each
☆ 0x Dark Gem | 950 PD each
☆ 0x Fire Gem | 1,500 PD each
☆ 0x Ghost Gem | 1,600 PD each
☆ 0x Ice Gem | 2,500 PD each
☆ 0x Psychic Gem | 1,200 PD each
☆ 0x Fairy Gem | 2,800 PD each
☆ Beach Items ☆
☆ 3x Magnetic Bait | 6,500 PD each
☆ 1x Regular Bait | 450 PD each
☆ 5x Shiny Bait | 80,000 PD each
☆ 63x Tasty Bait | 800 PD each
☆ 14x Shoal Salt | 2 PD each
☆ 5x Shoal Shell | 2 PD each
☆ Fossils ☆
☆ 1x Dino Fossil (Arctozolt) | 17,000 PD each
☆ 1x Drake Fossil (Dracovish) | 20,000 PD each
☆ Evolutionary Stones ☆
☆ 1x Thunderstone | 1,000 PD each
☆ 2x Water Stone | 1,000 PD each
☆ 6x Prism Scale | 600 PD each
☆ 1x Sachet | 3,000 PD each
☆ Forme-change Items ☆
☆ Plates ☆
☆ Berries ☆
☆ 115x Aguav Berry | 2 PD each
☆ 12x Aspear Berry | 2 PD each
☆ 16x Cheri Berry | 2 PD each
☆ 15x Chesto Berry | 2 PD each
☆ 1x Leppa Berry | 2 PD each
☆ 10x Oran Berry | 2 PD each
☆ 11x Pecha Berry | 2 PD each
☆ 1x Pinap Berry | 2 PD each
☆ 8x Qualot Berry | 5 PD each
☆ 14x Rawst Berry | 2 PD each
☆ 123x Razz Berry | 2 PD each
☆ 14x Spelon Berry | 5 PD each
☆ 2x Kasib Berry | 5 PD each
☆ Cooking Basics ☆
☆ 158x Honey | 20 PD each
☆ 109x Moomoo Milk | 140 PD each
☆ 8x Lemonade | 75 PD each
☆ 2x Soda Pop | 150 PD each
☆ Item Shop Buy Form ☆
Please use this form to buy from my item shop:☆ Item Shop Request ☆
I would like to buy: [quantity] [item name]
Tip (optional!): [amount]
Additional notes (optional!): [text]
I would like to buy: [quantity] [item name]
Tip (optional!): [amount]
Additional notes (optional!): [text]
Example form:
☆ Pokémon Shop ☆
I have two boxes that I am currently selling Pokémon from:☆ Sell Box 1
☆ Sell Box 2
☆ Pokémon Prices ☆
The prices are based on the rarity of each Pokémon:☆ Easy | 100 PD each
☆ Medium | 300 PD each
☆ Hard | 500 PD each
☆ Rare | 800 PD each
☆ Starter | 1,000 PD each
If you want me to give an Everstone to a Pokémon before I send it to prevent it from evolving, it will cost an additional 200 PD.
For all other rarities, the price depends on what type of Pokémon it is:
☆ Gloweon | 1,000 PD
☆ Hoopa | 3,500 PD each
☆ Combee | 500 PD each
☆ Pokémon Shop Buy Form ☆
Please use this form to buy from my Pokémon shop:☆ Pokémon Shop Request ☆
I would like to buy: [pokémon name]
Tip (optional!): [amount]
Additional notes (optional!): [text]
I would like to buy: [pokémon name]
Tip (optional!): [amount]
Additional notes (optional!): [text]
If you want a specific Pokémon, please link it or describe it so I can find it more easily!
Example form:
☆ Buying Counter ☆
Have some items you want to sell? I'm currently looking to buy these items and Pokémon:☆ 1x Energy Root | name your price!
☆ 10x Weather Balloon | name your price!
☆ Missing Pokémon | name your price!
I'm looking for fair prices. If an item or Pokémon is outside of my budget, I may decline to buy it, sorry! I may also decline to buy a Pokémon if I have plans to breed it on my own.
If you'd like to sell another item not listed here, please reach out through PalPad or Private Messages so we can come to an agreed price or trade!
please help me evolve these pokémon!
check out my item and pokémon shop here!
I am not throwing away my shot!
sending the trade now!
please help me evolve these pokémon!
check out my item and pokémon shop here!
I am not throwing away my shot!
sending the trade now!
please help me evolve these pokémon!
check out my item and pokémon shop here!
I am not throwing away my shot!
sending the trade now!
please help me evolve these pokémon!
check out my item and pokémon shop here!
I am not throwing away my shot!
please help me evolve these pokémon!
check out my item and pokémon shop here!
I am not throwing away my shot!
please help me evolve these pokémon!
check out my item and pokémon shop here!
I am not throwing away my shot!
please help me evolve these pokémon!
check out my item and pokémon shop here!
I am not throwing away my shot!
sending the trade now!
please help me evolve these pokémon!
check out my item and pokémon shop here!
I am not throwing away my shot!
Everything in the Pokémon shop is now 35% off until midnight on March 11th (server time)!!!
please help me evolve these pokémon!
check out my item and pokémon shop here!
I am not throwing away my shot!