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Piemonettys Ultimate Shop (Open)

Forum-Index Global Trade Station Trade Shops Piemonettys Ultimate Shop (Open)
Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 65
Posted: Tue, 27/02/2024 16:35 (1 Year ago)
Welcome to Mustarettys Ultimate Shop! We offer a variety of things! From rumble missions, to buying items, to breeding pokemon, we do it all!

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All pokeheroes Rules apply
Open mostly on weekdays, Sometimes weekends
Looking for Employees!
Bretty, TheInevitablePiemon, Bubbly~, Teardrop~, Nadhujhan, Mewtwo2, LuckyClover, WhiteberryPiemon, _snoms_, Bubbly~, RollyPanda,
Sign up for employees:

Hey WolfberryPiemon! I wanna work here!
Sections you are intrested in working in:

Upper Section -> Item shop, pokemon shop

Item shop

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Hello trainers! Welcome to the Item Shop! Missing anything? We've got you! Of course you'll need to pay before we give you something.

These are people who you can ask to buy anything if i'm not available: Nadhujhan, Mewtwo2, LuckyClover,

Hey WolfberryPiemon! I wanna buy an item!
Item of interest:
I apologize in advance if we don't have the item you are looking for!

Pokemon shop
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Hello Trainers! Welcome to the Pokemon shop! In need of pokemon? just come here and buy one!
Check these boxes for any pokemon you want:
Box 1
Box 2
Box 3
Box 4
Box 5
LuckyClover's BOX
_snoms_ Box1
_snoms_ Box 2
_snoms_ Box 3
ATTENTION!!! when choosing from _snoms_ be sure to check the pokemon, every pokemon in the boxes are for sale except for the following: Bombirdier, shiny snom, and the Miniors. And the ones with usernames as nicknames. Thank you for your time and have a great day!

ATTENTION!!! If you do not accept a trade within 25 days of it being sent, the trade will be canceled and the Pokemon you requested will be up for sale again! Thank you and have a great day!

These are people who you can ask to buy anything if i'm not available: Mewtwo2, WhiteberryPiemon, LuckyClover, _snoms_

Hey WolfberryPiemon! I wanna buy a pokemon!
Pokemon name:
What box pokemon is in:

Middle Section ->Daycare Services

Daycare Services

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Hello Hello! Welcome to Daycare services! Our services consist of: Breeding and Shiny Hunting.

These are people who you can ask to buy anything if i'm not available: Mewtwo2, _snoms_, Bubbly~, RollyPanda

Hello! Welcome to the Breeding section of the Daycare! Here we help you breed pokemon. Don't get us confused with the shiny hunting section though. Here we breed any pokemon you want. Say, you need a pokemon for something, we can breed a pokemon for you.

Hey WolfberryPiemon! I want you to breed a pokemon!
Name of pokemon needed:
Other (Ex gender/stars):

Shiny Hunting
Hello! Welcome to the Shiny Hunting section of the Daycare! Here we help you shiny hunt any pokemon you want!
Hey WolfberryPiemon! I want you to hunt a pokemon for me!
Name of pokemon:
Payment for hunt:

Lower Section -> Rumble Missions

Rumble Missions
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Hello Hello! This is the "Rumble Missions" part of the store! Since you're here, mind checking out what we have to offer? Prices listed below.

These are people who you can ask to buy anything if i'm not available: Mewtwo2, Teardrop~, _snoms_, Nadhujhan, RollyPanda

Regular Missions
-Silent forest-1,000
-Windy Prairie-1,000
-Rocky cave-1,000
-Fiery Furnace-1,000
-Bright Beach-1,000
-Eternal Tower-1,000

Want to evolve some pokemon? Check out some of our other areas! Prices listed below.

Special Areas
-Mossy forest-500
-Snowy Mountains-500
-Lightstone Cave-500

looking for something else? Have a look at the regional areas!

Regional Areas
-Galar(Coming soon)

Hey! I see you've got a map there! We could take it off your hands if you don't have any pokemon for it! And don't worry, we'll give you the items acquired from the mission! The prices are listed below as well.

Legendary Areas
-Marine Cave-35,000
-Terra Cave-30,000
-Sky Pillar-40,000
-Volcano Cave-30,000
-Hollow Space-35,000
-Vortex of time-30,000
-Spooky Manor-20,000
-New Moon Island-25,000
-Full Moon Island-25,000
-Submarine Volcano-20,000

Hey WolfberryPiemon! I want to rent out a Mission slot!
Which Area:
How many slots:

Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 146
Posted: Wed, 28/02/2024 18:26 (1 Year ago)
QuoteHey WolfberryPiemon! I wanna work here!
Name: Bubbly~
Sections you are intrested in working in:
Daycare, Shiny Hunting :)



Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 65
Posted: Wed, 28/02/2024 18:31 (1 Year ago)
Bubbly~ Accepted!

You are welcome to help anyone that asks for a shiny hunt!
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 146
Posted: Wed, 28/02/2024 18:33 (1 Year ago)


Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 353
Posted: Wed, 28/02/2024 20:19 (1 Year ago)
QuoteHey WolfberryPiemon! I wanna work here!
Name: Teardrop~
Sections you are intrested in working in: Rumble Missions if possible since I’m unlocking alola soon :D

*This post was sponsored by YOYLECAKE Central. Teardrop~, Marker, Lemondrop~, and other names made by @Lemondrop~ are property of YOYLECAKE Central. Please do not use YOYLECAKE CENTRAL characters without permission!*

Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 65
Posted: Wed, 28/02/2024 21:42 (1 Year ago)
Teardrop~, Accepted!

You don't need to have alola unlocked. You can just answer to people who want to rent out a mission slot. But when you do unlock Alola, you'll be able to help people who wan to rent out the regional areas. :D Hope this helps :D

Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 353
Posted: Wed, 28/02/2024 22:24 (1 Year ago)
*This post was sponsored by YOYLECAKE Central. Teardrop~, Marker, Lemondrop~, and other names made by @Lemondrop~ are property of YOYLECAKE Central. Please do not use YOYLECAKE CENTRAL characters without permission!*

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 120
Posted: Thu, 29/02/2024 01:07 (1 Year ago)
Hey WolfberryPiemon! I wanna buy a pokemon!
Pokemon name: Shellder, Cloyster, Witch Vulpix
What box pokemon is in:Idk
Message: Can you add a everstone to the shelder thanks!

Name: Success

Name: 🌑Dark🌑
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 353
Posted: Thu, 29/02/2024 01:08 (1 Year ago)
Just about to unlock Alola, so if y'all need Alola quests ask me!
*This post was sponsored by YOYLECAKE Central. Teardrop~, Marker, Lemondrop~, and other names made by @Lemondrop~ are property of YOYLECAKE Central. Please do not use YOYLECAKE CENTRAL characters without permission!*

Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 65
Posted: Thu, 29/02/2024 02:52 (1 Year ago)
Gdalt54, Sent!
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 120
Posted: Thu, 29/02/2024 02:54 (1 Year ago)

Name: Success

Name: 🌑Dark🌑
Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 65
Posted: Thu, 29/02/2024 02:55 (1 Year ago)
No Problem! Have a great day/night!
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 353
Posted: Thu, 29/02/2024 02:59 (1 Year ago)
If u can also edit the employees section?
*This post was sponsored by YOYLECAKE Central. Teardrop~, Marker, Lemondrop~, and other names made by @Lemondrop~ are property of YOYLECAKE Central. Please do not use YOYLECAKE CENTRAL characters without permission!*

Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 65
Posted: Thu, 29/02/2024 03:00 (1 Year ago)
Done :D
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 353
Posted: Thu, 29/02/2024 03:09 (1 Year ago)
*This post was sponsored by YOYLECAKE Central. Teardrop~, Marker, Lemondrop~, and other names made by @Lemondrop~ are property of YOYLECAKE Central. Please do not use YOYLECAKE CENTRAL characters without permission!*

Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 353
Posted: Mon, 11/03/2024 13:29 (1 Year ago)
I feel like the shop is becoming dead :(
*This post was sponsored by YOYLECAKE Central. Teardrop~, Marker, Lemondrop~, and other names made by @Lemondrop~ are property of YOYLECAKE Central. Please do not use YOYLECAKE CENTRAL characters without permission!*

Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 45
Posted: Mon, 11/03/2024 13:33 (1 Year ago)
Hey WolfberryPiemon! I wanna work here!
Name: _snoms_
Sections you are intrested in working in: Rumble Missions, Daycare

hatch them:
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 126
Posted: Mon, 11/03/2024 13:34 (1 Year ago)
Hey WolfberryPiemon! I wanna work here!
Name: Nadhujhan
Sections you are intrested in working in:Item Shop, Rumble Missions


Hey WolfberryPiemon! I wanna buy a pokemon!
Pokemon name: Happiniy
What box pokemon is in:You don’t have it but could you guys get it some how?
12/29/23 12/29/23
12/26/23 12/05/23
5/25/23 2/12/23
2/24/23 1/7/23
Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 65
Posted: Mon, 11/03/2024 16:40 (1 Year ago)
_snoms_ accepted!

Nadhujhan Accepted!

I'll find a happiniy for you :D
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 497
Posted: Mon, 11/03/2024 16:51 (1 Year ago)
Hey WolfberryPiemon! I wanna work here!
Sections you are intrested in working in:all

I Just hatched my Mega Charizard Y on 22/03/24 and Mega evolved my other Charizard into Mega Charizard X, AND GOT MY FIRST SM

Please interact with it