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Mew and the Mystery of Earth

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanfictions Mew and the Mystery of Earth
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 148
Posted: Wed, 31/01/2024 04:41 (7 Months ago)
Mew had left celestial town headed for the the cavern of dreams the sea of sounds and then Terra tower. Groudon moved places because of a rat problem.

Mew made sure to travel with a chunk of the rock to mega evolve. Hazmat was begging. "Plaase mew.." " okay... I'll teleport you in when I fight groudon to get the terra orb.." " :)" mew then took off while paying good attention to the trail and the map. 'Hmmm' thought mew. ' Just follow crystals that have z's on them..' mew was certain he would not miss it confidently floating.

Then it hit a crystal the second it started moving.'oww stupid rock..' mew said hi and the rock blew up. Just then a big chunk flew into the sky with a z on it. "..." mew watching as the rock formed into shadow darkria. " fear me mew, as i am the pokemon of nightmares and will make u eat sleep paralysis for 400 years" " no" Said mew. Just then darkria blew a blast of red energy at it ".." "well i guess your agility helps you" mew was fed up by now.

" dont you have something better to do? This is supposed to be cressselias domain and yu stole it" "well.. uhm" darkria then blew up and mew scratched cavern of dreams of the map and started walking out the cave " hey wait I never entered a ca-" shut up. Mew went over to the sea of sounds and sighed.

" just a bit longer to go" "uhghghghghg" said a noise. Mew ran so fast that it made it to the- mew.. i am 4X005.. call me 5.. but if you go gast enoughyou can teleport through m- "I'm sorry.. BUT I DONT CARE" "THIS BOOK IS LONG ENOUGH" mew was at terra cave looking at groudon.. hazmat appeared " hallo baddy. Me her to figt" in a flash mew became it's mega form and so did hazmat.

Just then the groudon went primal and prepared to fight.

Blasts of energy went everywhere. The entrance almost collapsing. Just then groudon shrunk. "congrats little dudes. Time for kyogre." groudon handed hazmat the stone. Hazmat fell. Mew picked it up snickering at hazmat " thank you Gordon" said hazmat " me and hazmat thank you for this stone, now bye were teleporting to FRACTURED FOREST!"-

! A shift in the time barrier! Very weak though