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❀°Lily's Journal。

Forum-Index Diaries ❀°Lily's Journal。
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 75
Posted: Mon, 08/01/2024 23:35 (1 Year ago)
❀°Lily's Journal。

❀°By Lilligant。

Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 75
Posted: Tue, 09/01/2024 23:20 (1 Year ago)
❀°Lily's Journal。

Hi, my name is Lily, a Lilligant. My family egg group is grass-type. I am an orphan, an egg that had been left at Prof. Rowan's Lab. I would guess that my mother would be a Lilligant. My father could be any random fairy-type Pokemon. I had lived my whole life at Prof. Rowan's Lab, of course, I wasn't the only one there though. I have many orphan siblings. I don't play with them often, as they are either a lot older than me or younger.

I had been living here for about 13 years. Today marks the day of my Egg Hatching Day. I was finally 13. Prof. Rowan had given me this journal as a birthday gift. While I'm writing this, I am on my way to school on the bus. I go to the Pokemon Academy. The bus was filled with kids from my class. They were all yelling and shouting at each other. I was sitting next to Princess Peatun- I mean. Petunia.

Petunia was a Goldeen. Normally she would sit beside her boyfriend, Prince Fin, a Seaking. Instead, she sat next to me because he was sick. Petunia was a slightly popular kid, as she was extremely rich. Her adopted family buys her anything she wants. Like today, she was on her new shell phone. She listening to the Ghost Gang band.

Ghost Gang was a ghost-type band with three members. The Gutairist was a Gastly named Steam. The drummer was a Haunter named Lilac. The vocalist was a Gengar named Spice. They were a big hit, especially with Ghost Pokemon. I had tried to listen to them once, but it was too loud.

The bus skidded to a stop if front of the school.

Signing Off

- Lily
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 75
Posted: Tue, 23/01/2024 21:15 (1 Year ago)
❀°Lily's Journal。

It's Lily again, I'm finally in the classroom after a chaotic bus ride. It was currently Geography and Professor. Oman was boring us out with Regions. We live in Emera, a small little city. Why should I learn if Sinnoh/Hisui had a mass honey production because of Combees? I was dying of boredom. It's funner writing in a journal.

This journal was custom-made and ordered off a custom stationery online shop. It was a watercolored portrait of me, in my opinion, they made me look way prettier. Prof. Rowan had got it for my birthday.

I carried this journal to every class. Even to recess, I sat there on the bench, writing away. My friend Budew came up from the cafeteria, she had a Tropius Fruit in her mouth.

"Hi Lily," She said, sitting next to me.


"Nice notebook, is it from Prof. Rowan?"



You can see I don't exactly talk that much, Budew tries but fails. Budew pulls out a beaded bracelet-making kit and starts making a Ghost Gang-themed bracelet, purple, dark pink, and black and words writing out "Lilac". Budew has a bracelet-making business, she even made her own online form. She charges people five dollars per bracelet. The ones that were premade were three dollars, but custom was five dollars. Although Ghost Gang was a popular band, I knew who it was for.

"Is it Petunia?"

She didn't look up. "Yea, She wanted Lilac especially,"

After 30 minutes, she's filled out five different orders, seven bracelets. One was Peatunia's Lilac theme, three were for the "Rainbow" Club, one was for Ms. Apras's birthday, one for Helena(A milcery)(Pink Themed), and lastly one for me. Except I got freebies. My bracelet was green and pink, the letters spelled out "Lily" in gold letters.

Then the bell rang.

"Let's go" Budew said.

Signing Off


Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 75
Posted: Thu, 25/01/2024 00:00 (1 Year ago)
❀°Lily's Journal。

After lunch recess, it was homeroom. Ms. Apras was the homeroom teacher, she's a generous teacher, the kind that would give you a cupcake on your birthday. When everyone settled down, one by one they gave Ms. Apras her birthday gifts. I gave her a birthday-themed gift card. Budew presented her with a little blue box with a bow. Inside was a clay-beaded bracelet colours in white, blue, and dark blue.

Ms. Apras then decided to cancel all the rest of our classes for the day. There were balloons, cakes, and pop. Everyone was either watching the movie that Ms. Apras put on or on computers. The movie was Mean Fem-mons. It was about a group of mean female Pokemon, the mean girls were; Regelia a Gardevoir, Gerethine a Milotic, and Kary a Sylveon. The main girl was a pretty Meloetta named Casey.

Budew was on a computer listening to our favorite singer, a pastel goth Lurantis, named Marnee Malentis(Melanie Martinez ^-^). She was also looking at bracelet ideas, there were bracelets with lots of unique colours and charms. I was guessing she needed more inspiration for her bracelet business. I swear one day that girl is going to take over the world.

"Business?" I asked Budew.

She didn't look up, she scrolled more up.

"It's been a little tough,"

I frowned. She get's a lot of orders. "What do you mean- you have a lot of orders,"

She sighed. "It feels all so...unprofessional? Childish?"


"Can you do me a favor?

I was reluctant to say yes, but I gave up.


"You're good at tech stuff and designing,"

I knew what she wanted me to do. I groaned. "Why though? Your Poke-Form isn't good enough?"

"It's harder to advertise!"

I rolled my eyes. She gave me a pleading look.

"Please, just this once?"


"Look," She said. "I'll pay you,"

My eyes widened.

"How much?"

"50 Pokedollars,"

"And play RoboEra with me,"



She smiled. "Pleasure doing business,"

Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 75
Posted: Thu, 25/01/2024 03:02 (1 Year ago)
❀°Lily's Journal。

❀°Picture Archive。

My game character: Verta

Budew's game character: Kira Sakura
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 75
Posted: Sat, 27/01/2024 04:13 (1 Year ago)
❀°Lily's Journal。

At 5:00 PM, I headed towards the Computer Room. Since I live in an orphanage owned by a scientist, we don't exactly have computers in the Dormitory. My desktop was fully green, it had different shades of green and a little bit of yellow. A large pink rubber flower was on the screen in the top right corner. At Rowan Labs Orphanage, everyone had a customized bed, computer, desk, etc.

I turned on my desktop.









My flower background stared back at me. I then opened up RoboEra, RoboEra was a roleplay/survival multiplayer game about a robot apocalypse. You basically try to survive and shoot robots. Budew isn't good at these kinda games, she prefers PokeBlox, Dimecraft, or Anime games. I honestly just like seeing broken-down robots.

I logged onto MonChat. I pressed on the call button. The ringtone is "Gotta Catch Em All" by the famous Pokemon Trainer and Singer Ash "Ketchumall". Budew is in the call.

"Heya," Budew says, adjusting her headpiece.


She moves as Akira Sakura in the game, an anime yandere girl that Budew made up in sixth grade. That was after Budew got addicted to Yandere Mon-ulator. She was really bad at that game was what made it ironic. I was always good at stealth/action.

We play a few rounds when-

"Lily, are you going to ask anyone to the Valentines Dance?"

I cough super loudly. "Theres a Valentine's Dance?!?!?" I scream into the microphone. I can hear Budew wincing through the other side of my headphones.


"WELL OBVIOUSLY!? I'm in Event Planning Council?!" She yelled. It was my turn to wince.

I think a bit. "Well, A lot of guys like me and you, but I don't really like anyone in our school or anyone in general, What about you?" I say.

She shrugs. "I mean, Budewrew likes me, but it's kinda weird. People assume were twins,"


I hear Prof. Rowan screaming "Lights Out" Gotta go. I'll continue this story tomorrow.

Signing Off


Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 75
Posted: Wed, 31/01/2024 20:47 (1 Year ago)
❀°Lily's Journal。

Budew moves Kira around Verta. A speech bubble forms around Kira's head. 'What abt Scott?'. I choke so hard that the other Orphans look at me strangely. I weakly smile and then frantically type in the chat. 'What abt shutting up?'.

Scott was a Whimisicott. He was a new student and same age/grade as both me and Budew. Typically, The counterparts of a Lilligant was a Whimisicott. Budew says it's soulmates. I say it's just normal. I know Scott from Summer School. It would never work out, I was sort of allergic to romance, and he had a girlfriend. His girlfriend was named Winnie. Winnie was a soft and sweet person.

The game starts and the game format is chosen: Teams. Teams format is when your team tries to kill more robots than the other team before the time runs out. As if the game knew our situation, it took me to Team Blue, Budew was Team Red. The barrier disappeared and everyone scrambled towards the robots.

"Ready to lose Lily?"

"Seems like you're more ready than I am,"

We both kill a lot of robots, which is strange because Budew usually struggles to even kill 9. The scores keep going up and down until the time goes out. The numbers for each team flicker. The Game then decided...

That we tied.

I can hear Budew panting through the call. "You alright?"

Her voice lagged and glitched. "ObVio-oUslyyy-Yy, JuStt Go-oT sTarTed, whhhAAattt abbou-t youuu?"

I sniffled a giggle. "Budew, You're lagging really hard. Is your internet bad?

"YeaahHh-" Kira moved really slowly in the game and kept appearing and disappearing.

I hear screaming and yelling on the other side of the call. "BUDEW, IT'S DINNER TIME, PAUSE YOUR GAME THINGEY!"

"Moooom, I can't pause a game!"

"Young Blossom, if I don't see you downstairs in a minute, i'm taking away your bead set!

I could hear gasping. "MOOOOMMMMM, I need them for my business!"

"Then your 'business' will have to wait!"

I could hear a lot of sliding and bumping. "Ugh, why do you have 8 different polymer bead kits.."

I giggled and said "I'll see you tomorrow Budew, Bye Mrs. Bloom!"

"Have a lovely afternoon Lily!" Said Mrs. Bloom.



I ended the call and continued playing by myself.

Signing Off

- Lily

Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 75
Posted: Tue, 06/02/2024 21:19 (1 Year ago)
❀°Lily's Journal。

(A note stuck to Lily's Journal)


Daily Schedule

7:30 - Wake Up(Remember to call Budew to wake her up)

7:40- Go take a watering(Brush your vines and petals). Get dressed after done

8:00- Go to the cafeteria and eat breakfast

8:30- Pack your bags

8:40- Go wait for late school bus

9:00-3:00 - School

3:00 - 4:00(On Wenesdays only)- Head to Media Club w/ Budew

4:30- Homework

5:00- Call Budew

6:00- Dinner @ Cafeteria

6:30- Play RoboEra

7:00- Do Budew's Favors(If none, Read.)

8:00- Watch Anime

9:30- Freetime

10:30- Sleep

Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 75
Posted: Tue, 06/02/2024 22:05 (1 Year ago)
❀°Lily's Journal。

It was already the next day. I shot eyes at Budew who smiled weakly. I sit in my seat. Ms. Apras announces a new student. The girl that came in had blonde hair and blue eyes. She wore the school uniform really short and in blue. School uniforms here are customized, mine are green and dark green. Budew's are green and yellow.

Immediately, all the eyes went on this girl. I then recognized who it was. It was Winnie. Winnie was a girl from Overnight Camp back in sixth grade. Her normal blonde pigtails were now in a big bun. Winnie was that girl who was friends with everyone in the cabin, popular with all genders and Pokemon, and friendly. I remember I was quite the quiet one in Overnight Camp. The girls were about to play a game and Winnie stood up to ask me to play. The rest of the girls told her not to bother, as I never play. Winnie ignored them regardless and asked me, it was quite touching.

Winnie introduces herself. "Hi! My name is Gwyneth, most people call me Winnie though. I am a Floette, I am 14, born on January 31. My favourite colour is blue!" She says enthusiastically.

The people clap. Ms. Apras points in front of me. Winnie skips to the desk in front of me. She waves to Scott. Ms. Apras then starts the attendance. Winnie pulls out a paper and starts doodling on it. It seemed that she was drawing a flower. Her pencil snaps and she curses. She turns around and smiles at me.


I look at her. "Hi,"

She sits backwards on her chair. "Lily, right? From Overnight Camp? Can I have a pencil?"

I'm quite shocked that she remembers me. I pull out a pencil from my pencil case and hand it to her. "Thanks!" She says.

I stay there stunned. Until Ms. Apras calls me for the attendance.

Signing Off



❀°Lily's Journal。

❀°Picture Archive。




Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 75
Posted: Fri, 09/02/2024 21:28 (1 Year ago)
❀°Lily's Journal。

During class, I usually draw things. Especially during Proffesor. Oman's class. I still think that Geography is the worst subject ever. I even like French and History better. It's so boring that even Petunia is sleeping, and that Goldeen doesn't like to sleep. I see Budew across the room, she's making more bracelets. Some students even have their devices out behind their books. You don't even need books to cover. Prof. Oman is so short he can barely see the top of your desk.

So as a normal 13-year-old, I pulled out my sketchbook and started drawing. I drew a mermaid that could turn into a human. She had grey hair, light blue eyes, and a white tail. I then added extra aesthetic things in the backgrounds. I called her Opal. I was even starting to write a story for Opal.

Princess Opal was the daughter of the King of the Sea. She was the Middle Child of Three Children. Her older sister was named Garnet, Garnet's tail was a bright red with black hair. Opal had grey hair and a white shimmery tail. Her younger sister was named Peridot, she had a green tail and white hair. The King had a blue tail and long white hair. The Queen was named Sylvia, she had a purple tail and black hair.

One day Opal was collecting seashells in the shallow area when a conch shell swept onto the beach. Thankfully the beach was empty, so Opal turned into a human girl and picked up her seashell but then a boy ran to her. He had a camera and a microphone. "Hello Miss!" He said, running in the sand.
Opal winced.
He panted when he reached her. "I saw you coming from the sea, you're some kind of fish right?"

Opal turned away. "No. I'm a seashell collector, I just swam here from the other coast," Opal, fortunately, was a good liar.

He smiled. "Don't lie to me, Miss!" He pulls and shows the camera to her.

Opal pales and gets angry. "I don't give you any consent to be taking any sort of media of me! Delete them right now, or I'll sue you for being a perverted A-hole!"

The boy looked taken aback. "You have good English for a fish,"

Opal swipes the camera from him, he tries to swipe it but she gets it faster. She then does a hard neck-chop. He falls unconscious. She deletes all pictures of her and throws it at him. She then collects her seashells and dives back into the ocean-


The bell had rang and I needed to go.

Signing Off



Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 75
Posted: Sun, 18/02/2024 15:34 (1 Year ago)
❀°Lily's Journal。

After school at 4:00, me and Budew head to Creamies. It was a trendy spot for young people. It sold things from ice cream to coffee. I could recognize a few people from our school. We sat in a booth. The whole shop was like a light beige and pink. Across the booth, were the ice cream displays managed by a family of Alcreamies.

The store was a two-story place that had a house on top. The family probably lived upstairs. There was a Clefairy named Taffy, he was usually not at the front, probably in the Manager's Office. There was an Alcreamie named Rosie, she was good friends with Prof. Rowan. She had 7 Alcreamies, Stella being the youngest who was 19.

Stella came over and asked us for our order. Budew ordered an ice cream sandwich and I ordered iced chocolate. I took out my phone and put on my earphones. Budew pulled out her whole laptop and quickly typed something. I leaned over to her side to see what she was typing. She was texting Buderew. I snorted.

She frowned at me and switched the tab. I raise my eyebrows. "You text Budewrew? I thought you thought he was annoying?"

She rolls her eyes. "Number one, stop looking at everything I do. Number two, he started texting ME first. What was I supposed to do?" She says.

"Not accept his friend request?" I said.

Stella came over and brought us our order. She smiled. "Hello Lily and Budew, how are you doing?"
"Great, How is your family, do you come here often?" I asked.
"No, not often, only on Fridays, I have a lot of Kiddos at home waiting with my husband,"
"Wow, how are they?"
"Celestial is great, the bad thing is that he's been married before so he has other children, they don't like me much but his ex-wife is very kind. My children are good as well, a little noisy,"
"Must be great to have a family so early," Budew said.
Stella smiled. "Great and chaotic, when you get to my age, focus on your studies more, then you don't need to work at your parents' shop part-time!"

I know she was joking but there was a sad truth to that. Stella left and cleared out plates from another table. Budew then went to go use the washroom. I sat on the cushy seats, then I put on a Marnee Malentis song. I took small sips of my Iced Chocolate, the real reason we came here was to talk about Budew's business.

Budew thought it wasn't good enough, so I even brought my laptop to work on a website with her. She was gonna pay me 50 Pokedollar, which was great. At the orphanage, you only got money on your birthday. The older you get the more you receive. I have about 1600 Pokedollar stored in my Emera Bank(Kids) account. Once I turn 17, I can use them. I also do part-time jobs on Wednesdays, Fridays, and on the weekends.

The store bell rang, and Rosie's eldest daughter, Muffin answered the door and welcomed them in. I leaned over to see Gwyneth come into the store. She had her hair down and was wearing pink this time. She sat down at the furthest corner from the door and read the menu.

Of course, Winnie was gonna be here. I overheard her talking to her new best friend(Petunia) about going on a date with Scott at Creamies after school on Fridays. A few minutes later the door rang again and it was Scott. He rushed past my table and dropped his phone. He didn't seem to notice as he was too busy saying hello to Winnie.

I carefully picked up his phone and softly walked to the table. They looked at me and Winnie grinned. "HI LILY!" She gushed. She then grabbed me and brought me face-to-face with Scott. "This is my boyfriend, Scott say hello to Lily!". I found that stupid since we were all in the same class.

He stuck out his hand. "Hello Lily, it's nice to meet you,"

I put his phone in his hand and bowed my head instead. "Nice to meet you as well.."

We awkwardly just stood there until Budew came out to save me. She rushed forward and smiled. "Hi guys, it's funny that we met here but I must steal Lily,". I was in awe, she saved me politely. Winnie smiled. "Of course, see you guys later!"

She dragged my dumbfounded self to our table. "You. Stupid. Idiot." She whispered slapping my hand.
"I was giving Scott his phone back because he dropped it!" I cried.
"When did you care about Scott?!" She countered.
I was caught off guard. "If someone drops their belonging, the normal Pokemon would give it back?!"

ੈ✩‧₊˚Hi I'm Junghyun♡ ⋆。˚

and this is Lily <3

₊˚ʚ Pfp Credits ❥・@pinterest/google
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 75
Posted: Wed, 06/03/2024 21:22 (11 Months ago)
❀°Lily's Journal。

We spent three hours at Creamies. It was 7:00 PM, and I didn't feel like walking to the Orphanage in the hard rain that was hitting the windows. Stella was wiping the tables with cleaning spray and sweeping the floor. We were the last customers. Stella looked at the donut shaped clock and turned to us.

"Ya'll should probably start getting going, wer'e probably gonna close soon,"

I made a pleading face. "Can we just stay for a bit? It's raining Meowstics and Furfrous out there.."

Stella shrugged. "Why don't you two get a cab and drive to one another's house, maybe you can have a sleepover,"

Our eyes brightened. "Thanks Stella," Budew said.

Stella then proceeded to call her mom to let me stay. Budew's mom was strict, but she loved having me over. I decided I should probably call the Orphanage Secretary to tell Ms. Bliss that I would not be coming "home" today. I would call Ms. Bliss myself, but she would ask me why I'm not coming home and yell at me. I whipped out my phone and scrolled through my contacts.

Info: My best idiot

Info: The Ralts boy I babysit

Info: Secretary

Info: Worst Buttercream ever

Info: My coworker who takes extremely long breaks and still gets paid more than me

Info: Mom(Kinda?)

I press "Ravenelle Goth" and put the phone to my ear. The phone ringtone is "Pikachu" by Team Rocket. I wait a bit till I hear a soft but dragging voice. "Hellloooo?"

"Hi Raven," I said. Ravenelle was the third oldest girl in my orphanage.
"Im guesssinngg Lillyy?"
"Yep, can you tell Ms. Bliss that I'm sleeping over at Budews'?"
I hear a groaning noise at the other end of the phone. "Areee youuu trying too get mee fiireed?"
"Nope, since she can't say no,"

She hangs up before I can and I tuck my phone into my purse. Budew is still on the phone with her mother, I see her making faces and rolling her eyes. She then hangs up and forces a smile. "My mom says yes, but I need to clean my room first,"

I roll my eyes. Cleaning rooms aren't hard. Maybe I'm just not messy.

Stella calls a cab for us and we wave goodbye. The Bunnelby driving tells us that it's gonna take an hour in the rain. So we decide to play a mobile game on our phones. The game was called Fantasy Land, you could choose your character and make up your choices as you go. Me and Budew liked to argue who's character was better. Mine was named Sapphire Hatend. Budew was Amy Ribbon. We soon fell asleep in the cab.

Sapphire Hatend

Amy Ribbon
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 75
Posted: Tue, 19/03/2024 23:54 (11 Months ago)
❀°Lily's Journal。

Wer'e at Budew's house and it's late. The driver opens the door and Budew pays him in cash. I stand at the glowing porch and hold the umbrella tight. Im going to bet that a Magikarp can probably turn into a Gyrados in this storm. Budew runs over to the porch and fumbles with the keys. She tries each one which is ironic because all the keys are identical. She stomps her feet. "Blasted keys!"

The door opens anyway, and a stylish teenager stands there with a questioning look. It was Brooklyn, Budew's older sister. It was the first time that i'd ever seen her even if I've been to Budew's house a lot. Mrs. Budew usually said that Brooklyn was at a party or something. She stands by the doorframe picking at her long silver nails. Budew rolls her eyes. "Can we come in Brook?"

Brooklyn smiles slyly. "Why of course Bulbina Brisket Barnaby Budew,"

Budew glares at her. "I told you to stop calling me that once I turned nine!". Budew swings her backpack to where her sister's head is. Judging by the hit, I was guessing that it wasn't supposed to hit but more like a startle. Brooklyn seems to know this trick and grabs Budew and me both into the house, and slams the door.

She lets us go and smiles at me. "Why hello, I've heard a lot about you Lily Lilligant, welcome to our cozy home! If you want some cookies, they're on the dining table. You can get a glass from the second cupboard, and milk is in the fridge," She continues, smiling smugly at Budew, "And you, Mom will be back at 9:00, so you better finishing cleaning before mom busts your bulb,"

Budew glares at Brooklyn but heads up the stares giving me a face like "Warning!". I stand there awkwardly until I decide to head over to the dining room. I sit down and eat a cookie, it was quite good. Brooklyn brings out three glasses and pours two with milk. She looks at me, as if I'm judging her every move. "Don't worry, I'll fill Budew's glass once she finishes cleaning,"

I nod my head and drink some milk, the flavors seem to compliment each other. After about twenty minutes, Budew comes down sweating. She hangs by the stair rail and rolls her eyes. "Your Ugly Highness Lady Voldemorticia, ma room est very clean,"

I thought Brooklyn would get mad, but instead she fills the third glass and smiles sweetly. "Why thank you Severus, you have done a good deed, you can now be bitten by Mom and die slowly if I find that your room is a pigsty,". She heads upstairs and trips Budew on purpose. "Oops!"

Budew heads to the table and grabs some cookies. I didn't want to ask her this but in the end, my curiosity got to the better of me. I look at her and exclaim, "Your real name is Bulbina??". I immediately regret it by the questionable look she gives me, instead she sighs.

"When I was born, my mother planned to name me Brielle. It was a nice name I would have liked. But my sister, who was six at the time, got ahold of my birth certificate, which my mother left on the dinner table, before going to sleep. In pink crayon she wrote Bulbina Brisket Barnaby Budew. My mother tried to change it but they wouldn't let her. Of course, Brooklyn got her bulb busted, but what would that do? Bulbina was a name that my sister named a doll that had a bulb. Brisket was her favourite food. Barnaby was a character in a cartoon. Budew was a normal name but it was also my last name. So what name do you think I chose?"

That story was quite deep. I stay quiet and eat more cookies. Budew then turns to me. "Wanna go upstairs now?".

"I thought you're sister was inspecting it," I say

"Nah, she's probably in her bedroom,"

We race upstairs.

Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 75
Posted: Wed, 20/03/2024 21:50 (11 Months ago)
❀°Lily's Journal。

We go upstairs and we head to Budew's room. She goes to her drawers and pulls out pyjamas and towels. Confused, I ask her what they are for. She laughs. "In my house, my mom has this rule that we have to shower if it is raining or cold outside, you might as well shower, we can use some of my new bath bombs,"

Budew's house was big, they have about four washrooms. I take the one in the hallway and Budew takes the one in her room. We do something that Budew calls a "themed" bath. In my bath we put flower-scented soaps and bubbles with roses all spread out in the bath. Budew's is more simple, for hers we use a sapphire bath bomb that turns dark blue. We then added sea plants and an orange.

I got in the bath and it was very foamy. I use the Lavender Haze shampoo and body wash and use the Paradise(Coconut Scented) conditioner for my vines. The bath is really relaxing except for the part where roses are floating around in the tub. I dry myself off with the towel that Budew gave me. I then wear some fluffy short pjamas.

I get out of the bathroom and Budew is already out. I hear a loud blow dryer and head into Budew's room. I see her, she blowdries her short hair with the hair dryer. Brooklyn then comes into the room. She looks annoyed. She goes into the bathroom and plugs it out. Budew scowls. "What do you want Ms. Bratty Princess?"

Brooklyn laughs. "How very thoughtful of you to call me that. I would like you to turn it off though, my boyfriend is coming over and I don't need your loud bulb to scare him away,"

Budew rolls her eyes. "If your ugly face hasn't scared him off yet, then I'm sure he can handle my loud bulb," Budew retorts.

Brooklyn looks for a comeback but the doorbell rings and she heads downstairs. I look at my vines(hair), the vines have sucked the water off my head already. I shrug and part my hair evenly. Budew brushes her hair and quickly ties them in two pigtails. We then run downstairs to see Brooklyn's boyfriend.

Between the doors, we see a good-looking Vivillon with dark green hair. He holds some drinks like a big Coke and holds some McDonalds. He hands them to Brooklyn. "Delivery's here!" He said.

