Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → CLOSED.Title: Finally Done- (Most of them)

Download link here! (For Drakonia)

Download link here!(For Chasecop)

Download link here!(For Undertalerules)

Download link here!(For FelidaeFrancis )

Download link here!(For Grainsan :) )

Download link here!(For Hydraluckycharm)
Sending the 500pd gifts too ;)
Also Chasecop pls pay the money :|
Title: Hi
Thank You! And don't forget to add me in friendlist.

Name: PsyLord
Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage
This is the form
[b]Hey Charmander![/b]
I want to buy a pokemon as an easter egg!
Username: [insert username here]
Pokemon: [insert pokemon here]
Shiny or Not? : Yes/No
Gender?: F/M (depends on the pokemon)
Cost: [insert cost here]
Tips? [insert tips here] (optional)
I want to buy a pokemon as an easter egg!
Username: [insert username here]
Pokemon: [insert pokemon here]
Shiny or Not? : Yes/No
Gender?: F/M (depends on the pokemon)
Cost: [insert cost here]
Tips? [insert tips here] (optional)
And the cost is 200pd each easter egg and yea im not selling actual shiny pokemon
I want to buy two pokemon as Easter eggs!
Username: Undertalerules
Pokemon: Lampent And Chandelure separately
Shiny or Not? : Both shiny
Gender?: does not matter(no physical difference)
Cost: 400pd
Tips? 1000pd

~Undertale Fan~
Favorite Character&Song:Chara/Flowey and Your Best Nightmare
~Deltarune Fan~
Favorite Character&Song:Spamton and BIG SHOT