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Forum Thread

Closed For Now

Forum-Index Global Trade Station Trade Shops Closed For Now
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 105
Posted: Thu, 02/11/2023 16:23 (11 Months ago)
Welcome to the Eevee Market!

Here, you can find items and pokemon alike, from events to shadows, items and mysteries, and a pleasant place in general.

Table of Contents -

1. Evolution & Forme Change items
2. Eeveelutions & Eevees
3. Gems
4. Mystery Boxes & Keys
5. Shadow Pokemon
6. Event Pokemon
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 809
Posted: Mon, 06/11/2023 22:21 (11 Months ago)
Evolution & Form Change items

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Fire Stones - 1,000 PD
Leaf Stones - 1,000 PD
Water Stones - 1,000 PD
Thunderstones - 1,000 PD
Moon Stones - 2,000 PD
Sun Stones - 1,000 PD
Everstones - 200 PD
Ice Stones - 1,000 PD

Order form-
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[color=Sienna][b]Hey, hey, hey! I'll like to order evo stones![/b][/color]
Stone(s) -
Amount -
Payment -
Tip -

Hey, hey, hey! I'll like to order evo stones!
Stone(s) - Thunderstone
Amount - 2
Payment - 2,000 PD
Tip - Missing plushie
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 105
Posted: Tue, 07/11/2023 00:43 (11 Months ago)
Eeveelutions and Eevees

The bell jangles as you enter the second store, a homey-looking white building. The excited chatter of eevees greet you as you walk to the counter, noticing dozens of the little pokemon playing around the shop, and in fenced-off areas. A pair of sylveon reach their ribbons out towards you, and an espeon promptly disappears behind the counter with a flick of a violet tail. GlaceonCat offers a warm smile as she gestures around her. “Care to give one of these cuties a home?”

Welcome one, welcome all to the eeveelutions and eevees store! Here, you can buy any eeveelution, and any eevee too! Why not check out the prices?

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And remember, any female eeveelution costs an additional 100 pd, just like female eevee costs an additional 100 pd.
Eevee Male - 100 pd
Eevee Female - 200 pd
Sylveon - 1,000 pd
Glaceon - 800 pd
Leafeon - 700 pd
Flareon - 1,000 pd
Jolteon - 1,000 pd
Vaporeon - 1,000 pd
Espeon - 2,500 pd
Umbreon - 2,900 pd

Eeveelution Gifts
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Some eeveelutions have special gifts for their new owners....some very special in fact...
[b][color=blue]Minor items include -
- Pokeballs, Gems, Berries, Cooking Items,
Major items include -
- Star Pieces, Mystery Items, Evo Stones,

Minor Eeveelution Gift - Male Eeveelution + 5 minor items
Major Eeveelution Gift - Female Eeveelution + 5 minor/major items
Seasonal Pack(Winter) -

Click on my pride and joy(s), please?

Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 105
Posted: Tue, 07/11/2023 16:25 (11 Months ago)

Welcome, one and all, to my magnificent display of jewels! This is the soul of my collection....what? You say you want to BUY them? My pretties! But I suppose if the price is right...I may let you hold them...
Just kidding! Why not admire the gems to choose the prettiest ones to buy?

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1. ALL Pokeheroes rules apply!
2. Please be patient! Some of the orders may require some extra work to obtain the gems...
3. Be kind! Know that every single person here has a life, and circumstances may force some of your orders to last a little longer
4. ONLY use the form to order

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Gems! More gems! I'm drowning in them!
Bug Gem - 500 pd
Dark Gem - 1k pd
Dragon Gem - 15k pd
Electric Gem - 600 pd
Fairy Gem - 2.2k
Fighting Gem - 500 pd
Fire Gem - 1.7k
Flying Gem - 1k
Ghost Gem - 1.6k
Grass Gem - 500 pd
Ground Gem - 500 pd
Ice Gem - 2.5k
Normal Gem - 1.7k
Poison Gem - 500 pd
Psychic Gem - 1.1k
Rock Gem - 500 pd
Steel Gem - 500 pd
Water Gem - 700 pd

Form to order
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Gems, plz?
Username -
Gem(s) -
Amount -
Payment -

Click on my pride and joy(s), please?

Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 105
Posted: Tue, 07/11/2023 19:25 (11 Months ago)
Event Pokemon

Welcome everyone! Here we sell event pokemon, big and small, all looking for a good home! Why not browse our wares?

Event Pokemon -
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You pause in the shop's backyard, marveling at the azubell dancing by the pond and the obsidianix curled around ponds of lava. Others are here too. Which one is the one you wish for?
For an example of the pokemon's page, click on the pokemon's icon!

Witch Vulpix - M=20k, F=6k
Dark Ponyta - 6k
Obsidianix - 5.2k
Fishleon - 50k
Solar Eevee - M=5k, F=20k
Shadow Mewtwo - 150k
Winter Mareep - 7k
Summer Ampharos - 7k
Autumn Ampharos - 7k
Spring Ampharos - 7k
Plaguekrow - 3k
Skarigami - 14.3k
Azubell - 28.5k
Crystal Aron - 5k
Winter Numel -
Jolly Jr. -
Sad Jr. -
Sugar Shock - 16k
Motherzone - 24k
Sundaelite(Chocolate) -
Sundaelite(Strawberry) -
Sundaelite(Vanilla) -
Sundaelish(Chocoberry) -
Sundaelish(Choconilla) -
Sundaelish(Strawnilla) -
Sundaelux -
Cocktaillon - 5k
Floette(Sakura) -
Maneki Espurr - 10k
Pumpkabowl -
Aguageist(Magikarp) -
Aguageist(Goldeen) -
Aguageist(Luvdisc) -
Diancie(Emera) -
Groosea -
Scorfolia -
Sobboil -

Mega Event Pokemon
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Some pokemon have a hidden power in them...
Mega Cursed Rapidash: 675k; Stock: 0
Mega Autumn Ampharos: 600k; Stock: 0
Mega Spring Ampharos: 600k; Stock:0
Mega Summer Ampharos: 600k; Stock:0
Mega Winter Ampharos: 600k; Stock:0
Mega Obsidialix: 600k; Stock:0
Mega Skarigami: 650k; Stock:0
Mega Crystal Aggron: 650k; Stock:0
Mega Diancie(Emera): 675k; Stock:0

Form to Order
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Quote from BuyerHi! I'd like some event pokemon!

Click on my pride and joy(s), please?

Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 105
Posted: Tue, 07/11/2023 22:42 (11 Months ago)

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1. PLEASE follow all PH rules
2. PLEASE be patient.
3. PLEASE follow all the rules that are set. We expect that all users who order are respectful and take time to consider their actions.

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Quote from Game Center
Alcremie Formes
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It looks like a bakery...who'd have ever thought of a pokemon bakery? Alcremie swirl around you, an endless dance of color and flavor. However, some of these masterpiece-makers line up, glancing at you with hope. Wanna take one of these cooks with you?
The price is 1/2 of the sweet's price + the price of the alcremie forme
Berry sweet - 500(250)
Clover sweet - 500(250)
Flower sweet - 500(250)
Love sweet - 500(250)
Ribbon sweet - 500(250)
Star sweet - 500(250)
Strawberry sweet - 500(250)

Alcremie Forme:
Alcremie(Vanilla) = 11,000 pd
Alcremie(Ruby) = 5,000 pd
Alcremie(Matcha) = 9,500 pd

Mega/MA Pokemon
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Some pokemon are there...you can sense them...brimming with the energy of mega evolution. You may dare to claim one, if you can manage it.
While others are ready for it, but not yet. Your biggest challenge is guiding them through the process...
There are 2 types of pokemon for sale here. Mega-ables are NOT already megas, and you have to mega-evolve them yourself if you want them to become mega pokemon. MEGA pokemon are sold only when we have enough mega stones to mega evolve a mega-able, so Mega Pokemon are separately placed as "in stock". When a mega pokemon is "in stock", you may order one. Max of 5 people on the waitlist.
Mega-able Pokemon:
Mega-able Bulbasaur:
Mega-able Charmander(X): Mega Charizard X - 300k
Mega-able Charmander(Y):
Mega-able Squirtle:
Mega-able Ponyta:
Mega-able Ponyta(Galarian):
Mega-able Magikarp:
Mega-able Zubat:
Mega-able Larvipop:
Mega Blastoise - 350k
Mega Rapidash -
Mega Rapidash(Galarian) -
Mega Gyarados - 100k
Mega Crobat - 200k
Mega Tyranitar - 250k

Mega Venusaur - 300k
Mega Charizard Y - 300k

Pokemon For Sale

Quote from SalonFurfrou Haircuts
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Just look at these fancy furfrou....no wonder their silky fur is styled in such elaborate designs!
Star Trim - 850 pd
Heart Trim - 850 pd
Diamond Trim - 850 pd

Quote from Safari ZoneVivillon Patterns
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So many bright colors and marks...who can ever keep track of the world with these bright pokemon around?

Vivillon Patterns Available:

In Order:
Vivillon(Archipelago), Vivillon(Continental), Vivillon(Elegant), Vivillon(Garden), Vivillon(High Plains), Vivillon(Icy Snow), Vivillon(Jungle), Vivillon(Marine), Vivillon(Modern), Vivillon(Monsoon), Vivillon(Ocean), Vivillon(Polar), Vivillon(River), Vivillon(Sandstorm), Vivillon(Savanna), Vivillon(Sun), Vivillon(Tundra)

Pricing -
Each Vivillon costs: 1k

[i]Package Deals -
- 1 Day: The first 6 caught vivillon will be yours for 7k!
- 2-7 Day: Up to a week! Daily, the first 6 caught vivillon will be yours for 6k a day!

Quote from Weather ReportCastform Forms
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The soft chiming of the bell is barely heard as wind whips around you, breaking into rainbows and meteorites and snow. So much weather! No wonder the castform are always busy...

Aurora Castform - 19,000 pd Cold Castform - 15,200 pd
Dark Castform -
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Mon, 19/02/2024 16:46 (7 Months ago)

Title: Mystery Items

Hello! Due to a prior member no longer being able to play on the site, I've taken over the Mystery Items portion of the Eevee Market. The prices of the Mystery Boxes and the Mystery Keys will be based on the Stonks prices as of February 18th, 2024.

Mystery Boxes

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Mystery Box Brown ~ 7800 PD
Mystery Box Dark Blue ~ 3000 PD
Mystery Box Green ~ 8000 PD
Mystery Box Light Blue ~ 2960 PD
Mystery Box Pink ~ 8000 PD
Mystery Box Purple ~ 7960 PD
Mystery Box Red ~ 7720 PD
Mystery Box Silver ~ PD N/A
Mystery Box Gold ~ 14000 PD
Mystery Box Black ~ 58000 PD

Mystery Keys

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Mystery Key Brown ~ 10800 PD
Mystery Key Dark Blue ~ 12720 PD
Mystery Key Green ~ 11200 PD
Mystery Key Light Blue ~ 12800 PD
Mystery Key Pink ~ 11000 PD
Mystery Key Purple ~ 11160 PD
Mystery Key Red ~ 11200 PD
Mystery Key Silver ~ PD N/A
Mystery Key Gold ~ 13600 PD
Mystery Key Black ~ 164200 PD

For inquiries of what is in stock, please PM or PP me at Umbral99. From there, you're welcome to order in aforementioned PM or PP. Thank you for stopping by the Eevee Market.

<(^-^<) <(^-^)> (>^-^)>