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Dancing with Death | wip/dnp

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Dancing with Death | wip/dnp
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 586
Posted: Tue, 15/08/2023 19:52 (1 Year ago)

[ January 19th ]

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It was nearing 9 PM when Officer Avery returned home from his shift. It had been a long day, he’d barely had time to tend to the bite that he’d received from a man he’d booked that morning. Whilst it had barely broken the skin of his arm, the medical officials at the scene had immediately treated and bandaged up the wound for him. For a while, Officer Avery was able to forget about it.

It wasn’t until he was driving home that he began to feel a burning sensation begin to rise from the affected area. At first, it was just a little irritating, but the sensation grew quickly up along his forearm. By the time he arrived home, his whole arm ached - feeling extremely heavy - and the surrounding area had begun to swell.

Concerned, his wife had followed him closely as he rushed up to their bathroom without even greeting her. He carefully unwrapped the bandage that had been constricting his arm, underneath red and raw, and stuck his arm under running cold water. He let out a hiss. It stung at first but also soothed the pain somewhat.

“Honey- Oh my! What happened to you?” his wife exclaimed at the sight, reaching out for his arm to take a closer look.

“Don’t worry about it, it’s not that bad..”

He tries to reassure her, but she promptly pulls away, upon feeling the growing heat of his arm.

“No, this is bad. It looks infected. We should get you to the hospital, now.”

[ January, 21st ]

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“The test results have come back. They’re inconclusive.”

A group of doctors gathered - not too closely - around the patient’s bed.

It was just a couple of days ago when police had wrestled this man to his holding cell floor. He had fought against their help after he displayed sudden seizure-like symptoms. He’d been arrested for several counts of assault on members of the public that morning, spitting, lunging, and attempting to bite people. In the process of being held down, he had bitten two of the officers, ultimately requiring enough sedation to knock out a horse to calm the man enough to wrangle him into an ambulance and into the hospital.

Once at the hospital, they wasted no time cuffing him to the bed, for everyone’s safety. Meanwhile, officers did their best to find any relatives of the man. No one came forward and witnesses weren't able to recognize him as someone from the area either. When the sedation wore off, the man returned to erratically thrashing around on the bed. He couldn’t speak. Anything he did ‘say’ was an incomprehensible, slurred, and spluttering mess. He was an odd case indeed.

“Actually,” another doctor entering the room interjects, “I think I’ve found something.”

He hands over his reports, “There’s a mutation in his DNA. It’s not something that’s been seen before, however. We’ll need to run more tests.”

[ January 28th ]

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A week later, the Hillsdale Police Station and the Hillsdale Hospital have been seeing more and more similar cases, and now believe them to be linked.

“The virus seems to be causing the DNA to mutate, causing neurological damage to those affected. This damage makes them uncontrollable, uncompromisable, and ultimately very dangerous. The virus is passed through bodily fluids. Receiving a bite, like our recent cases, or even a kiss from a loved one, can transfer the virus, and it appears that it can take as little as a couple of hours before symptoms begin to show. You could say it’s similar to Rabies lyssavirus, except… we don’t know where this originates from, if there’s a cure, how many people may have it...”

“So what do we do now?”

The tension in the air is thick. There’s a brief silence in the meeting hall, as if everyone already knows the answer, but is too afraid to say it.

“We’ll we can begin mandatory mass testing-”

“Aha! Don’t be stupid, do you know how long it would take to test the whole of the States? We don’t have that kind of time or money!”

“Well then, what do you suppose?”

“Close the borders and stop anything from getting in, and fly out those who are confirmed not infected.”

“There is no point, the virus is already in and may already be global. Now, as I was saying, we can begin testing. It’ll take time and money, yes; However, if we can separate the healthy from the infected now, we’ll be better off in the long run. I propose setting up mandatory testing stations in every town. We have tests that can provide 99.9% accurate results within a matter of minutes. Those who test positive, we’ll hold elsewhere until…”

[ February 11th ]

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It’s been two weeks since, and everything couldn’t have gone more wrong.

The testing stations were set up, people were tested. Turns out that the tests were not 99.9% accurate, which left a lot of infected people still integrated with those who were healthy. This resulted in sudden mass outbreaks of attacks, inciting complete panic. In order to escape criticism, those in charge of the scheme disappeared, and those who could [the rich], fled the country.

Those who couldn't, are now trapped in what would be the closest to a zombie apocalypse that horror movies depict. The streets looked like a scene from the purge. Stores were looted. Bodies littered the roads as fearful citizens killed on sight to protect themselves. Eventually, resources would run out meaning that all they [the remaining] can do now is try to survive and pray they're not already infected.

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