Mew used physic to grab the whole bag, and they each grabbed as
much as they could hold. "Gee, thanks!" Rick said as he bit
into a marshmallow. "You shouldn't have! Mew said as he
gulped a marshmallow down.
"Well, I'm gonna crash," Rick yawned. "Me too," Mew
said. They both were out like lights. The Next Day
Rick and Mew got up before Fe and his team did(they had some of
Fe's pancakes. Hehehe...). They slowly walked into the tent,
already planned what they were going to do. They both used hydro
pump, flooding the tent. "Rise and shine sleepyheads!" they
both yelled.
"Huh?"Asked Fe"good day to everyone"
"Hello everyone"Said dedenne
"Hm....Five minutes more"Said princess
"I didnt sleep,Shedinjas dont need to sleep"Shed say
"Now time to eat pan...Where are my pancakes?"Asjed Fe
"oh i brought back some stones too i have:
5 waterstones
8 firestones
7 thunderstones
4 duskstones
10 dawnstones
11 moonstones
15 sunstones
12 shinystones
13 leafstones"
said Auqa
"Too many stones..." Rick said. "What would happen if you evolved?
Would you lose your Vaporeon abilities?" Mew asked as he touched
Aqua with a firestone.