Welcome to FatHead's Art Auction and Adopt Shop! (What
an unnecessarily long name lol.)
Feel free to browse through the current Art Pieces up
for Adoption! You may either Bid on an ongoing Auction (which may
end at any given moment), or, if you would like to skip the wait,
you may Instant Buy an Art Piece! (Whenever you Instant Buy an Art
Piece, the Price is Pay-What-You-Want, as long as you at least pay
the Minimum Bid on the Art Piece.) Anyway, go wild! If you decide
to Bid, please place your Bid here in this Forum Thread. If you
decide to Instant Buy, please Private Message me the details of
which Art Piece you would like to Buy, along with the Price that
you are willing to Pay. Thanks!
Oh and another thing: All Art Pieces start at a Starting
Bid of 5k, and the Instant Price is up to you! If you Purchase an
Art Piece of mine, please always remember to give Credit where
Credit is due, if you choose to display the Art Piece on your
Profile or something. Thanks again!