Title: Master Galliss's Inheritance
Pages flipped as Codino silently study the book in his room of his
family's home, his room which a side area for his family's study
being the youngest and different from his rowdy and warrior like
family, this room offered quietness and easier access to the book
collections besides from him and his mother usually his other
family members would never enter or touch, give Codino a chance to
make both rooms as he likes. A knock sounded at his door, removing
his glasses, face covered in freckles, emerald eyes, and short
shaggy dirty blonde hair his expression of softness looked up from
his book, "Come in" politing giving the person entrance to his
room, his mother, blue eyed pure blond hair, looking solemnly at
her son. "I'm sorry honey, but Master Galliss has passed away in
his sleep today, my poor baby," coming in to comfort her son in
anyway a mother could.