Forum Thread
Journey Through the Core A 1x1 RP w/MonochromeKiss
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → Journey Through the Core A 1x1 RP w/MonochromeKiss"heheh, well, good..!" Hanako smiled before nodding as she listened to him. "oh? Alright, so it's kind of your own phrase? or.. something..?" she asked as they continued to walk, a little curious on what got Amaya so worked up all of a sudden. "uh.. hey, Septhis..? Do you think they're okay up there..?"
Sephtis gave a small chuckle, "Well I wouldn't call it 'mine' alone, but me dialect defo." He then looked towards Amaya after hearing bits and pieces of what she was saying, sighing gently. "Not really.."
"Sounds like a real party there, Sheila." Sephtis lightly chuckled as he approached the two with Hanako beside him, watching as Amaya had gotten herself worked up. He chuckled softly. "Betta find a challenga' or somethin to quell her quick, she's a Krookodile ready tuh snap atcha!"
Tia growled over her shoulder as she looked to Sephtis. "Could you...NOT?? For like..a minute??" She looked back to Amaya and gently closed her eyes, taking a small breath as she then extended her ribbons and gently wrapped them around Amaya, filling the surrounding area with a calming aura. "Please relax Amaya! Come back to us!"
Hanako quiverred behind Septhis as she watched the scene unfold before her. "I... goodness... This... This can't be good... Will she be okay?" she asked, almost afraid to get closer to the Zoroark.
Sephtis snickered to himself as this 3'11 pokemon was trying to hide behind a 2'07 pokemon, but he digressed with a playful handwave. "Easy thea', Sheila..Looks like it's under control. Ah'm sure she'll be okay. She's a beaut AND a brute~ <3" He chuckled again before nodding in agreeance with Tia. "Shelta' and Food sound great..But we're kinda in Woop Woop out hea..If ya see anything we can shelter in that'd be great." He gently rested his hands behind his head, looking up. "Hopefully it don't rain..Can't say I'm too fond of gettin' wet."
"Um... P.. perhaps we should try to carry her..?" Hanako suggested as she looked around. Aside from a few trees here and there, there really didn't seem to be much nearby in means of shelter, and worse yet, it seemed that none of these trees has any sort of fruit or berries on them. "And then.. I guess we'll just go as far as we can before it gets too dark... I don't think we'll be able to reach any real shelter anytime soon..." she said with a small sigh. She didn't want to believe it, but it was starting to look like it. But looking up it at least appeared that the skies were still clear, so it gave some form of promise she hoped. "Or..." an idea just passed her mind before looking around. "hold on... let me try something..." she said before stepping away from Septhis and bouncing high into the air, letting her ears out so it could slow her decent back down.
"You know what else can get pretty l--" Sephtis was slapped harshly and sent flying by Tia's ribbon.
"ENOUGH OF YOU!!!" She hissed before blinking as she looked towards Hanako, about to repeat 'or' but in a question as she watched her bouce up high. Her eyes widening. "Wow!!" she exclaimed. "I didn't know you knew fly, Hanako! That's amazing!"
"Pretty sure that's Bounce, Sheila~" Sephtis rubbed his cheek before he was sent flying again.
"AGAIN. DIDN'T ASK!" Tia said with a huff and a pout. "You're a real piece of work, Seph!"
Sephtis snickered as he casually crawled his way out of a nearby bush. "Awwwe ya care 'bout me 'nuff to call me Seph~ Cute~"
Tia pouted again before she shook it off, Sephtis was so annoying, but he was right. Body warmth was the best way to go if you needed some extra warmth, since she didn't know if any of them knew any fire type moves. Her brother Infernalis was always the one in charge of warmth and he wasn't here, so she was lost. "Honestly Hanako, A cave would be lovely! Out of the wilderness and safe for us incase the weather turns bad! I like the idea!" She nodded in approval as her ribbons waved gleefully in the wind. "Let's make haste before the sun goes down." She picked up Amaya and held her close with her ribbons.
"W-well... that's.. good, I think..?" she said with a confused glance between the two before lightly patting her head, trying to keep her thoughts clear when they all agreed on a cave. "ah! R-right, I saw that it was over this way!" she said as she started to lead the small group towards where she saw the cave. "It actually seemed like it wasn't too far from here, so I don't think it'll take too long to get there..!" she siad with a small, hopeful smile. 'And with some luck... maybe we can find some food too... I hope...' she thought, trying to hide that small worry from the others.
"Defo, Sheila~ Defo." Sephtis gently brushed his bangs aside before lightly stretching a little before a small yawn escaped his lips. "Haven't had this much fun since I stole a bundle uh gems from a sleepin Sableye~ Then almost got caught when he saw they was gone! I'm gettin' kinda tuckered out." He grinned happily, "At least I have such beauties to keep me awake~"
"You BETTER not mean anything in THAT way." Tia interupted harshly, "Honestly you're so annoying with that flirty nature of yours..Not every woman is gonna want you to waltz them into a stupor!" She continued to walk along, gently looking at Hanako. "...Something on your mind?" She asked, tilting her head.
"Awwwe, what, Sheila~ Ain't I given you 'nuff attention~? <3"
Tia gave a rather bored expression before she used one of her other ribbons and wrapped it around his mouth, not paying him any mind. "You were so cool when you jumped that high, Hanako! How did you do that? Can all Lopunny do that?"
"Heh. Was wonderin' why I just randomly startin' droolin' for no reason...The Sheila was sportin' some Negative feelins there.." Sephtis said as he used his arm to wipe his mouth, "Us Morgrems feast on Negative emotions. Lit'l fun fact for ya, beauts <3" He chuckled again before gently waving his hand. "If ya'd like Sheila you an' I could go huntin' togetha~ <3 You said yerself you're a scavenga'..Me bein' a treasure hunta' meself we could probably venture out an' find somethin' if there was anything near~"
"I don't trust you alone with her with a Wailord lengthed branch..!" She growled lowly towards Sephtis before looking back to Hanako with a gentle smile. "I'm sure there's gotta be something around though! We're in a meadow!" She gently peeked her head out of the cave, "Maybe there's a Shuckle or Bidoof that's around that has some berries we could buy or something?"
"We don't got money." Sephtis added boredly.
"Hmph! Says you, you little Imp! I always come prepared with money *just* in case of emergencies!" Tia said confidentally.
"Haha~ <3 Puttin' me in my place, are ya~? <3" Sephtis chuckled again before resting his hands on his hips, "Eitha' way...We should decide soon..Sunset's approachin' fast, mates.."