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Universities have come to an end

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanfictions Universities have come to an end
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 159
Posted: Tue, 27/09/2022 16:25 (1 Year ago)
Universities have come to an end

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It’s a dark place where a human girl, Zoe, lives. But then there’s an Eevee, Taren, who lives in a place called PokéTown. They both try to stop darkness from shattering from one another. Then, that upcoming day finally came. It shattered, now Universities have come to an end.


Zoe lived across from a park, down her street. She didn’t want to go out in the snow, so she grabbed a coat.

“It must be cold out there,” her brother said.
“Yes, yes indeed.”

They all talked in a British Accent, which made them a decent being. Zoe grabbed her coat, and went off running in the snow. Her brother followed along with her, to keep her company. The parents weren’t home, just out […] hunting… Nothing personal.

Then, all of a sudden a big crash went across the whole city. Both were scared, so her brother went off into the house. But, Zoe, she didn’t. She stared at a Pikachu right in front of her. Then, she started screaming, and running away. […]
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 159
Posted: Fri, 07/10/2022 23:05 (1 Year ago)

Title: CHAPTER 1: Machines?

TW: Bad words, gore

“Snowball fight, snowball fight!” Screamed Zoe, VERY excitedly
“Alright, alright” Her brother said.

Then Zoe’s friend came running to her driveway. “Behold…MY LOVELY MACHINE!!” Zoe’s friend said.

“Machine? What the frick is that thing?!”
“My robot friend? What is wrong with you?”

Zoe glared, not very happy anymore. Her brother just stared, smirking. Then, Zoe’s nose started bleeding. Zoe went inside screaming while grabbing a tissue.

“Zoe, you know this happens all the time. You gotta quit screaming when it starts bleeding.” Zoe’s mother said.
“Oh, I know, I just wanna irritate you.”
“Listen to your mother,” Her dad says.

Zoe rolled her eyes, and went back outside. Nobody there. ‘Til someone threw a snowball at her. “Haha, very funny!” Zoe said, throwing a snowball back.
It went on for hours. Then, they caught darkness up in the sky.

“What the heck?” Zoe said
“WOAH,” her friend said

what is that? What’s happening? Zoe thought in her head, getting nervous.