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Forum Thread

Breeding Solar Eevee

Forum-Index Discussion Breeding Solar Eevee
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 29/04/2022 01:26 (2 Years ago)
So... I take it it's not possible to breed them?
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 53
Posted: Fri, 29/04/2022 01:27 (2 Years ago)
It is, there’s just a very low chance of getting a solar eevee.
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 29/04/2022 01:31 (2 Years ago)
Uhm ok thank you. I must live for the thrill of the hunt >:3
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 14
Posted: Wed, 18/05/2022 12:27 (2 Years ago)
I emphasize. Very. Very. Low chance. I've been trying, and I can't get my Wide Lens upgraded enough to be useful.
Trainerlevel: 72

Forum Posts: 993
Posted: Wed, 18/05/2022 12:47 (2 Years ago)
Solar Eevees are possible to breed - but only with each other, ditto, and other fairy-types. These cute Eevees can't breed with regular Eevees because of the type change, and since they are an Event Pokemon, they have a low chance of producing event eggs. Look here for more info!

I hope this helps ^^