You wake up not rembering anything then look around wondering where
you are you get up and see a flyer"Come here if you want help but
fill out the form first"The flyer said on it then seen a building
that looked like a highschoool after you fill out the form you go
to the highschool.....
RpName: Auraora And Austin (You can have more than one charater
Gender:Female And Male
Apperance:long White Hiar,boots,a black dress,red eyes(Auraora)
Long black hair with some of it covering his left eye,red
eyes,wearing a black jacket and boots
History:Doesnt talka bout it
Other:there eyes turned black and hair red when insane
Username: Shiny_Lanturn
RpName: Raj Stevan
Gender: Male
Apperance: He's a normal high school boy, with a leather jacket,
white t-shirt, and jeans with blue sneakers.
History: He's a liar, so it's hard to tell.
Other: He lies a lot, and he's sometimes an troublemaker.
(Accepted lets start and the others can join later) Auraora woke up
seeing Austin on the ground then woke him up "How the ehck did we
get here?"Auraora said Austin "I Don't Know"Austin said then got up
Raj scratched his arm. "What happened? I was asleep." Raj asked.
"This is an odd place for sure. I don't like it." He said. He
walked around the room a little bit, looking for any clues at to
why they were here.
Auraora got up then went out of the room to check something then
seeing something ead on the floor "What is that!"Auraora said
screaming Austin walked past her going to do something they didn't
Raj walked out of the room as well. He bent down to look at the
dead creature. "It smells... Bad. I think it's a rat. It's been
here for a while. I can't hardly see though."
"A Rat? Gross Also Where Did Austin Go?"Auraora said then everyone
could hear a scream from somewhere in the school "What was that?
and it couldn't be Austin"Auraora said
"I don't think this is real... This is horror... Someone else is
here..." Raj quickly said. It was obvious that he was scared, and
it didn't take light to see. "I hope it isn't..." (This reminds me
of a horror game called Corpse Party actually xD
(Yep its bacially that I guess XD) Auraora then seen Austin come
back looking normal then wondered what he was doing "What where you
doing Austin?"Auraora asked "Nothing"Austin said then went back to
the infarmey
Auraora went into the infarmey seeing boxes then checked them but
where empty 'these boxes areemptying so should we check out that
scream now?"Auraora said
"Yeah. Let's go. It sounded like it was from room 3D." Raj said. He
walked out of the infirmary. "I wonder where this Austin guy went.
I guess it's just us."
Auraora went after Raj "Where close to 3d,this is the map"Auraora
said showing the map in here hands then pointing at the place "I
Wodner what happened"
"Then elts go"Auraora said then went up to the door and opened it
seeing blood and.... "What the ehck IS THAT"Auraora said almost
yelling and shivering
"Its... It's... A human corpse... But it's..." Raj said. "Actually
no... It's not... It's... I don't know..." Raj has frozen solid,
and almost shivering.
"This palcwe is werid.."Auraora said then walked away then seen a
shadow and stoad still shivering "I think someone is coming after
us we got to hid"Auraora said then hide somewhere in the room away
from the corpse
(This reminds me of a scene from Corpse Party, except it's a hall
and there's two people xD)
Raj ran after Auraora silently. He hid in a pile of boxes. People
won't be that smart when they are dead anyways, right?
Auraora hid in the pile of boxes aso hearing the footsteps getting
closer and thinking the only other person here is Austin then
though he might be a killer but the thing then went "Phew"Auraora
said whispering but staying to keep safe
"There's a window... Maybe we should wait out the night." Raj
whispered. He was... Shivering out of fear. This isn't a
reality... It must be a dream...