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Custard’s Logbook

Forum-Index Diaries Custard’s Logbook
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Thu, 17/03/2022 11:44 (3 Years ago)
This is a diary, please do not post here unless you’re me. Thanks!
Shiny Hunting: 8x Eevee (75% done)

Well, would you look at that, baby’s first forum post (after being on this site for 6 years, not my proudest moment)
Anyways, thought it was about time I start keeping a diary for myself, shame I didn’t do it when I started playing but alas, maybe it’s a good thing that I don’t have to witness my 14 year old self’s mind at work…

Today I got increased shiny chance from the fountain so here’s hoping it actually works for once! Guess it all depends on my daycare couple, they’re breeding too slowly.

No luck with Zeraora so far, interacting is a pain.

Finish Eevee Hunt
Zeraora Encounter
Complete Galar Dex
Hatch a Ditto
Hatch a Shiny Mega

Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Fri, 18/03/2022 18:27 (3 Years ago)
Shiny Hunting: 8x Eevee (87,5% done)

Another shiny Eevee hatched today! That makes 7 total, only one more to go. I'll evolve this one into Leafeon, just gotta wait til my rumbling Pokemon are back. For all I know my last shiny might hatch as a female so I wanna use that tiny little chance for a possible female shiny Glaceon. It's ironic how Glaceon is my favorite Pokemon yet it's also the last one I hatch a shiny of.

As for Zeraora, still no luck. Then again I've barely done any interactions at all today, been too busy, maybe I'll do a few later tonight though!

Finish Eevee Hunt
Zeraora Encounter
Complete Galar Dex
Hatch a Ditto
Hatch a Shiny Mega
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Sat, 19/03/2022 12:04 (3 Years ago)
Shiny Hunting: 1x Mega Lopunny

My Eevee hunt came to an end yesterday evening with the 8th shiny hatching, I really wasn't expecting 2 in one day but alas, here we are! Got every Eeveelution as a shiny now.

For my next hunt I decided on Lopunny, it has one of my favorite shinies and I really like the Mega form it has aswell, so I'm attempting my first Shiny Mega hunt. QwQ

Zeraora update... Still nada. Currently I'm at work so I don't really have time to interact, doubt I'll get it today. Oh well! Maybe tomorrow is my lucky day.

Finish Eevee Hunt
Zeraora Encounter
Complete Galar Dex
Hatch a Ditto
Hatch a Shiny Mega
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Wed, 23/03/2022 00:21 (2 Years ago)
Shiny Hunting: 1x Mega Lopunny

Been a while since last post but here I am! Finally hatched my first mega-able today, I feel like this hunt is going SUPER slow so I'm glad I hatched at least one thing, no clue what the rates for megas are either so just gonna have to keep going and praying that I don't have to go into chain #5000 or something-

Funny thing is, I'm writing this just a while after reset which is at 1AM for me, meaning it's march 23 where I live, meaning it's my birthday today! Turning 21... Feels strange, I feel awfully old. I can't believe I made this account when I was 14. My friends have set up this confusing puzzle thing for me to solve and I have not the faintest idea where to begin, so that's great for me-

And lastly, no, still no Zeraora, I've barely interacted with anything except my own eggs-

Finish Eevee Hunt
Zeraora Encounter
Complete Galar Dex
Hatch a Ditto
Hatch a Shiny Mega
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Fri, 25/03/2022 11:04 (2 Years ago)
Shiny Hunting: 1x Mega Lopunny

First shiny of the hunt hatched a few days ago, aswell as a mega-able only two eggs later… Feel like I’m gonna be seeing that a lot, hopefully the stars will align eventually, I seriously don’t wanna hunt this for months- But I can be patient, it’ll be worth it~ My luck still sucks though.

As for Zeraora, you guessed it, zilch. Please RNGods, I just want one… That’s all I ask (sob)

Other than that, not much to say! Almost weekend which is nice, they finally got rid of all the corona rules here so I can actually take the bus without having to wear a mask, which hasn’t happened since march 2020 so it feels like I’m doing something illegal- It’s been very sunny over here though, around 20 degrees Celsius every day, I love spring :>

Finish Eevee Hunt
Zeraora Encounter
Complete Galar Dex
Hatch a Ditto
Hatch a Shiny Mega
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Wed, 06/04/2022 11:06 (2 Years ago)
Shiny Hunting: Still deciding next hunt…

Been a while, huh? I’ve been awfully distracted with Animal Crossing New Horizons as of late, terraforming my entire island, redecorating, moving everyone’s homes… Basically it’s been hours of work and I’ve barely had time to do anything else. I’ve been checking in here every now and then to manage my shiny hunt but other than that, nothing eventful really happened so I had nothing to write about xD

That being said, something eventful sure did happen today: Shiny Mega Buneary hatched at Chain 544! I can’t believe it, I was so ready to hunt this thing for months and it ends up hatching in like what, 2 or 3 weeks? Just gotta Mega Evolve her now! I have no idea what to hunt next-

And yes I totally completely gave up on Zeraora because interacting sucks and I didn’t wanna do it anymore- Better luck next time, gotta wait for the easter event now, I remember last time I played I was one egg short of getting the shiny event, sob

Also, remember how I said it was super warm here in the last entry I wrote? Yeah now it’s freezing and snowing and cold. Thank you Dutch weather I hate it.

Finish Eevee Hunt
Complete Galar Dex
Hatch a Ditto
Hatch a Shiny Mega
Hatch a Shiny Legendary
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Thu, 07/04/2022 08:44 (2 Years ago)
Shiny Hunting: 1x Mega Meganium

It’s me again! Just when I thought my luck must’ve ran out after hatching my first shiny mega but alas, it wasn’t like that because I’ve just hatched my earliest shiny ever, a Pachirisu at chain #14… I really told myself “oh surely I can finish this hunt in a week” and then it proceeds to finish in less than 12 hours, alright then.

Sooo I’ve just decided to do another shiny mega hunt because it’ll take me longer than a week (I hope), plus it feels more rewarding than a regular shiny. Chikorita is one of my favorite starters aswell so why not

And tomorrow is the egg hunt! Looking forward to it, I wonder what the new event’ll look like. I’m already calling it now that I’ll find all the eggs except for 1 as I always do.

Finish Eevee Hunt
Complete Galar Dex
Hatch a Ditto
Hatch a Shiny Mega
Hatch a Shiny Legendary
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Fri, 29/04/2022 10:44 (2 Years ago)
Shiny Hunting: 1x Lurantis

Heyyy, been a while. So I’ve decided to do the Shiny Mega Meganium hunt some other time since it was going awfully slow (only 2 shinies in like 200+ eggs… pain), so I’ll retry sometime in the future when I feel like it! I think I’m better off doing easier Shiny Mega hunts than a starter one so I’ll probably go for Luxray next, Shinx is one of my all-time favorite Pokemon and it’s not too difficult to hatch those so I guess it’d be on the same level as Buneary.

In the meantime, I’ve hatched a shiny Amaura andddd done some Lab Hunting which I got REAL bored of REAL fast. I did find a female Eevee in the lab though, so that was pretty cool. I’ve decided to hunt Lurantis next because it’s a really nice looking Pokemon and it’s shiny is also quite nice, I’ll just have to see if I do an event hunt or another shiny mega hunt after this one, both will be a pain in the ass.

Speaking of events, I love the Solar Eevee from the easter event, an Eevee event has been a wish of mine so I’m happy it’s finally here! The evolutions are also adorable, my favorite is Neptuneon, here’s to hoping we get the other eeveelutions sometime in the future aswell. I’ve collected all the Planetary Spheres but I’ll be saving them for when I shiny hunt Solar Eevee, since I have no clue if there’ll be any other way to get these spheres once the event is over and I don’t wanna risk having to pay a ton on PD for one.

Finish Eevee Hunt
Complete Galar Dex
Hatch a Ditto
Hatch a Shiny Mega
Hatch a Shiny Legendary
Hatch a Shiny Event
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Thu, 05/05/2022 14:24 (2 Years ago)
Shiny Hunting: 1x Mega Luxray

Shiny Fomantis hatched earlier today! Gotta evolve her. Moving on to my next hunt now, a shiny mega Luxray! I love the Shinx line, Shinx was my partner in PMD: Explorers of Sky which is my favorite Pokemon game ever so it's very dear to me, my player character was an Eevee. I really hope we get Switch remakes for those games, but they'll probably be in 3D which I'm not a big fan of personally;; I just really love the sprite artwork the original PMD games have, the backgrounds are really pretty and it's overall just more nostalgic to me.

That being said, hoping this hunt goes well! Luckily Shinx is an easy rarity Pokemon so they're cheap at the Gem Collector and easy to find in the tall grass, much better than Chikorita for sure... So, fingers crossed! Still have a mega stone in my item bag that I initially bought for the Chikorita hunt so I'm pretty much prepared. Just don't have enough nuggets to buy a mega cuff but eh, I'll manage.

Finish Eevee Hunt
Complete Galar Dex
Hatch a Ditto
Hatch a Shiny Mega
Hatch a Shiny Legendary
Hatch a Shiny Event
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Sun, 19/06/2022 20:49 (2 Years ago)
Shiny Hunting: Undecided...

Man, it has been... a while huh? It's been pretty eventful on here for me- Up til today that is! My shiny mega Shinx hatched at chain #773 just now! I'm very happy! And thankful I don't have to go into the 1000s again. Now to mega evolve him~

That being said, I'm not sure what to hunt next... Maybe an event Pokemon? They're a pain to hunt though, so I guess I'll just take some time to think about it. Gotta let all of these eggs in my daycare clear out aswell and that'll still take 21 hours or so.

Finish Eevee Hunt
Complete Galar Dex
Hatch a Ditto
Hatch a Shiny Mega
Hatch a Shiny Legendary
Hatch a Shiny Event
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Tue, 05/07/2022 19:44 (2 Years ago)
Shiny Hunting: Solar Eevee x4

Time for an update! After my shiny mega Luxray hatched I've pretty much just been hunting some easy shinies. My collection has expanded with a shiny Eldegoss, Lilligant, Roserade and Ducklett~ I tried to shiny hunt Hatenna for a split second but the daycare was giving me zero eggs in like 24 hours, they're expensive at the gem collector and no eggs in the wild so I decided to just leave that for another time.

For my next hunt I decided to finally tackle the shiny Solar Eevee hunt, my first shiny event hunt. I've been saving the spheres since the event happened so I could use them for shiny versions of the evolutions instead, so it's about time I put them to use! Just gotta get my hands on some stardust somehow.

This is gonna be a looooong hunt, I can feel it...

Finish Eevee Hunt
Complete Galar Dex
Hatch a Ditto
Hatch a Shiny Mega
Hatch a Shiny Legendary
Hatch a Shiny Event
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Wed, 15/02/2023 17:41 (2 Years ago)
Shiny Hunting: Nothing

Heyyy wow it's been uh. AGES since I last posted an update. Instead of ignoring this diary page entirely I decided I might aswell post a quick update, mostly for myself because it's only me reading these, but it's nice to at least know what I've been up to in this past half year or so.

Last time I posted I was hunting Solar Eevee but I gave up on this hunt fairly quickly once I realized what a pain in the ass shiny hunting events without an event pass truly is. I still have the planetary spheres, the two new ones that came out a while ago aswell, and I WILL hunt these guys someday, but not anytime soon. I attempted a brief Mega Gardevoir hunt, but I also ended up giving up on this one because around this time, I moved out of my family home and now I have to pay rent, so I simply don't have the money to spend on getting Premium every month. Maybe one day when I have a more stable income! I'm just a simple college student who only works 1 day a week, so I make just enough to support myself, but I really can't afford spending monthly amounts on something I won't use that much anyways.

That said, I've become rather inactive, I still check the site every day and I still feed my party Pokemon berries every day, so I'm definitely still around, but I probably won't really be super active with hunting/the community unless it's a relatively simple shiny hunt (like the Skitty hunt I finished a few days ago bc I wanted a shiny Delcatty alongside the Skitty I've had for years). I'll definitely be back fully someday, I promise.