Forum Thread
Dragons of light and darkness
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Dragons of light and darknesswhen the dragons of light and darkness arises, the crystal will shatter
When the crystal shatters, the world will be swallowed by the forbidden dragons
15 dragons to save us all, 15 to summon the godly dragons,
15 to unite space, time and death, 15 to go beyond expectations
However as time went by and the dragons were able to thrive on their own the dark dragon was furious at all the attention the light dragon was getting and planned to destroy Wingulfal, first challenging the light dragon and taking it further by threatening to destroy the crystal if light dragon didn't accept, forcing the two dragons in a endless battle. Seeing this the godly dragons united their powers and cast down the two dragons deep into the earth, in return for the godly dragons to transform into statues. Since this day, dragons celebrate this day, known as the unity crystal day by hosting celebrations to remember the godly dragons who risked their lives to create peace for the dragons of Wingulfal
And today is such day. You're even more excited because one of the air dragon princesses will become queen, following her mother's death, which calls for a celebration with all 5 tribes to wish the princess good luck. However everything goes wrong when the princess goes missing and the sky suddenly goes dark. It seems like the light and dark dragons have been regaining power and when one rises, the other will follow, leading to the doom of Wingulfal. 15 dragons, three from each tribe are brought before the godly dragons, who believe they can vanish the light and dark dragons for good...
And you are one of them
RP based rules
1)PH rules apply
2)general rp rules apply. That's my way of saying 'no being OP, no bunnying, no Godmodding-' you get it.
3)no one liners. Unless you absolutely can't thing of anything.
4) No blood/gore, minor Violence is ok but don't go into too much detail
character related rules:
-The dragons in the rp are ALL anthro dragons. This means that they walk on two Legs, have hair and hands, wear clothes- hope you get it now.
-Each dragon must have a common ability depending on their tribe. They are allowed to have one rare ability or Unique, no both. For example a fire dragon could have fire creation as their common and fireproof scales as a rare
-only one unique ability character per person
-Unique ability can be anything as long as they're related to their element.
Speaking of abilities, here they are! (rare abilities in brackets)
Air/Wind: Air manipulation, high speed and excellent agility (Rare ability: Air manipulation, plasma fire)
Fire: creating fire and surviving high heat (Rare ability: immune to fire, see in the dark)
Earth: Plant growling and excellent tree climbing (Rare ability: talk with plants, poison shot)
Water: Swimming, breathing underwater and glow in the dark scales. (rare ability: Water manipulation, fish speak)
Aurora: Ice magic, survive cold temperatures, cannot be blinded and can see in high light. (Rare abilities: crystal manipulation, light manipulation)
-no perfect characters. You can't dodge every attack and have every attack hit your target.
-We welcome characters of all kinds! Regarding that, no being mean to the creator just because of their character
-the limit of characters for one person is 3. And no taking entire tribe slots.
-romance is okay, but it shouldn't be too big of a deal.
-(reserved, Perish-song)
-Ray (sabito)

Character name: Ray
Age: 240
Species: Air dragon
Appearance:looks here cloths
Personality: Super Harsh and kind , likes others to listen to him, really shy
Abilities: high speed and excellent agility,Plasma Fire
Alignment: Lawful good
Advi From Demon Slayer season 1